6 definitions by Magdalene St. Vitus

When the symptoms of an individual's bipolar disorder only seems to interfere in their life when it is to the afflicted person's benefit.
Bill is completely sane when asking friends to lend him money, but becomes conveniently bipolar when it's time to repay them.
by Magdalene St. Vitus October 3, 2008
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Word discovered by famed linguist Courtney Love when she was randomly typing some stoner psychobabble at her My Space account. It is a combination of the words "ass" and "scientific" and is defined as 'someone who has mastered the art of being an ass(or making an ass out of themselves) to the point it has become a science with them'.
It was ascentific of Pete Doherty to get helpless penguins stoned at the zoo, and his kitties hooked on crack.
by Magdalene St. Vitus November 11, 2007
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Any action that is so blatently and utterly stupid that it is beyond the comprehension of most people to understand what would motivate someone to do such a thing.
It was completely ascentific of British rock star Pete Doherty to get his cat high on crack. I'm glad the humane society took that idiot's cat away from him!
by Magdalene St. Vitus November 24, 2007
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An act of auto theft involving unnecessarily stealing a vehicle while the owner is behind the wheel, by throwing the owner out of the car and driving off, despite having alternate means of transportation. This is usually done brazenly, under the influence of intoxicants, in a crowded place, regardless of how many eyewitnesses are present to identify the culprit later.
Andy, "Could I offer you a ride home?"
John, "No thanks man, I'd rather Serl a car."
by Magdalene St. Vitus December 25, 2007
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when someone tkaes a drag of your cigarette and leaves it all gooey and wet!
you asshole, you cat-assed my smoke!
by Magdalene St. Vitus March 22, 2005
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a prostitute that kicks any woman off of a street corner because she believes that that woman is tying to steal the corner to work.
the legal secretary was waiting to cross the intersection but the crack whore assumed she was trying to work the corner, then proceeded to corner jack the secretary
by Magdalene St. Vitus March 22, 2005
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