17 definitions by Madman With A Cause

A group of weight room douches that all spend time admiring themselves in the mirror. They usually wear bright colors, too much hair product for someone wanting to work hard, frequent wearers of Tapout/S2 Faction/sleeveless shirts with huge arm holes, consume far too much supplements and are frequent skippers of leg day.
Right as Alex got to the gym, he noticed all the ladies of the court crowding around the first bench he needed to use, "it sure would be nice if these fags would move" he thought to himself.
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A shit that flies out effortlessly, like a perfect take off of a rocket off to space. Usually angular and aerodynamically inclined.
"That turd flew out like a Soyuz Rocket, I feel loads better now"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A large group of people extremely drunk off of Vodka, attempting to either dance or move together in some semblance of organization. Usually it's a lot of stumbling, tripping and incoherent movements of people who should be sitting down.
"Look out, that bachelorette party is about to be Slavic Line Dancing, we better get out of here"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A series of moist farts while sitting on the toilet, sounding a lot like Donald Duck is crammed up your ass against his will.
"Jesus, will the gas stop?! I feel like I have an Angry Donald underneath me"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A series of moist farts while sitting on the toilet, sounding a lot like Donald Duck is crammed up your ass against his will.
"Jesus, will the gas stop?! I feel like I have an Angry Donald underneath me"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A series of moist farts while sitting on the toilet, sounding a lot like Donald Duck is crammed up your ass against his will.
"Jesus, will the gas stop?! I feel like I have an Angry Donald underneath me"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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A series of moist farts while sitting on the toilet, sounding a lot like Donald Duck is crammed up your ass against his will.
"Jesus, will the gas stop?! I feel like I have an Angry Donald underneath me"
by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016
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