6 definitions by Mad Bank

A state of being when one is at the maximum level of haggardness.
“Eh brah, you look max hag aye.. get off the shards
by Mad Bank May 28, 2018
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A collection of people who are self centred to such an extreme amount that the thought of equality or rights for anyone other than their largely white and upper middle class brethren is a thought so terrifying that they will use all their power to ensure that nothing ever changes.

They will actively fight anything which doesn’t either make them money or give them tax cuts. The concept of the status quo changing in anyway is unacceptable to these people.
“Gays rights and the environment and black people being killed by cops isn’t my problem. I’m a conservative, let me show you my portfolio
by Mad Bank June 15, 2021
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‘Men’s rights activists’ - a loosely organised internet collective consisting of insecure, privelidged white males, who didn’t receive enough hugs while growing up.
They will consistently (and predictably) cast the female gender as the cause of all their woes. Often using skewed logic or biased statistics to back up their claims.
Overwhelmingly lacking the ability to be introspective, they would rather blame an entire gender for their inability to befriend, date, have sex, coexist with women.
To these people, feminism is a social construct designed to repress and destroy their lives, and will often use a barrage of buzzwords learned from the most toxic places online.
Similar to the ‘incel movement’ and similarly pathetic.
“Listen to this MRA neck beard keyboard warrior, he’s trying to blame an entire gender for his inability to get laid - what a fuckwit
by Mad Bank May 28, 2018
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Originally a word describing a socially conscious person.

Now exclusively used as a pejorative by blustering right-wing gimps when their tiny brains can’t process that the world changes and progresses.
The woke brigade are at it again, destroying the fabric of my reality by caring about other people”
by Mad Bank June 15, 2021
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One of the many nauseating buzzwords used by conservatives as an alternative to constructing a coherent argument.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean anything - and actually doubles as a good way to spot cretins in the wild.
“This guy just said virtue signalling unironically, let’s get away from this asshat
by Mad Bank June 15, 2021
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A word used by angry virgins to slut-shame women who won’t sleep with them.

It’s basically a neon sign for asshats.
“Them thots won’t suck my dick even after I held the door open for them”
by Mad Bank June 15, 2021
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