2 definitions by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN

A branch of the US Armed Forces. Marines go through approximately three months of intense training, peaking at the Crucible, in which the recruits must work together as a team throughout a fifty-four hour operation with minimal rest. The Crucible tests all of the knowledge gained throughout training, and is truly the final test for a recruit. Marines are trained to work in smaller groups with less modern weaponry, however this requires them to be more tactical than the Army. Contrary to popular belief, Marines and the Army are just as important as each other, as are the Air Force and Navy. Whichever a person joins depends on their preference.
The Marines are the first into a battle ground, the Army joins to help the advance, greatly. The Navy secures the shores and fires artillery salvos, and the Air Force provides much needed fire support on high-risk operations. Combined, the force of the US Military surpasses most foes it will encounter. (Exceptions include the Vietcong and Russians, as the Russians never truly engaged US Forces, and the US removed itself from Vietnam.

Please people, stop making biased decisions. The US is awesome, as is everybody else.
by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN July 28, 2009
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A group of nutjobs who hate the universe. If you are atheist, baptist (WTF???), protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion on the planet, they hate you. They hate soldiers, America, The UK, Australia, and any other country who refuses to publicly execute gays and "dykes".
Hey, are those those Westboro Baptist Church weirdos protesting the univesre?

Yeah, I guess it was only a matter of time.
by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN November 22, 2009
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