22 definitions by MAC-Gyver

British slang for fancy or expensive-looking.
"That's a flash fawney ya got mate. It'd be a shame if I ha' tae break yer finger af tae get it."
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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1) A slang term for woman with low morals and poor hygene. Derived from 'Skeezy', a variant of the word 'Skeevy', meaning filthy or stained with fecal matter, urine and/or semen.
2) A low-class prostitute; one who is diseased, ugly, prematurely aged and/or worn-out from hard work and rough trade.
3) An immoral woman with no pride; one who engages in humiliating and degrading sexual acts for little or no gratitude or reward.
1) "Man that skeezer smells pretty ripe."
2) "20 bucks!? For THAT? Man, for that kind of money you could buy four skeezers like her and still feel cheated!"
3) That skeezer did WHAT? With WHAT sports team? And she KNEW they were filming her? Man, if they have any compassion at all they should at least buy her dinner afterwards...or offer to hose her down before the next tour group came by..."
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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A promiscuous person who has many sexual partners. Refers to a pass (most commonly used on commuter trains, subways and amusement parks) with ovals printed on it that indicate the number of times it can be used before a new ticket needs to be bought. Every time it is used, the ticket taker uses a paper punch to cut a hole in the ticket. Indicates that the person is like the paper ticket: cheap, good for a ride, used in all holes, considered disposable by the user, and discarded after it's all used up and worthless.
1) "Lyle is here? That punchcard better stay away from my boyfriend!"
2) Everyone at the party slept with Joan, giving her the unenviable reputation of being a punchcard.
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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"A pint of reeb, and be nippy!"
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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Canadian military slang dating back to World War I, for a mortar round or an aircraft 'iron' bomb, especially a heavy large-bore one. Derived from its weight and size, like a large pig.
"We were crossing the plain in open formation when the enemy brought smoke -- 'blind pigs' and rainmakers.
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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A derogatory term for an underage girl. Derived from the white cotton underpants worn by girls too young to buy their own lingerie.
"Man, avoid that Tiffany chick. She may look old enough but she's nothing but a white-pants jailbait DT punchcard.
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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1) American military slang for adolescent hit-and-run thieves in occupied countries who grab anything not well-secured or well-guarded. The most common item stolen are soldier's sunglasses (like Ray-Bans and Gargoyles, thus the term.
By extension, the term is also used for adolescent refugees and beggars.
"The locals have a trick where they leave a string of Ray-Ban Bandits by the convoy routes to beg for food or steal anything that falls off the trucks. Then they beat the poor starving bastards and take the stuff away from them so they can sell it on the black market..."
by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003
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