2 definitions by LyricalGenius318

Verb. Taking something normal and turning it into magnificence.
Wow, Melissa really catamaraned that vacation when she upgraded to first class and bought the spa package.

Adding sprinkles to a basic cupcake.
Turning that old tee shirt into a bitching tank.
Calling in sick and taking a spa day.
Convincing your boyfriend to work out regularly. gains upgrade
by LyricalGenius318 January 11, 2017
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When a beautiful woman gets so trashed she hooks up with a person she would never touch if she were sober.
Characteristics include that once sober the woman wants to vomit in an effort to purge herself of shame.
"Whoa, she's had too much to drink...you see that over there, that's about to be a Bahamian bar slide".

"Man after that tequila last night I totally Bahamian bar sled into that douche bag's bed".

"After Carla broke up with Jeff she went out and got so trashed she Bahamian bar sled all over town"
by LyricalGenius318 May 16, 2013
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