7 definitions by Lynx

The act of spooning with the intent to be sexually aroused
Bobby: What is he doing to her
Billy: Dry humping her or something, them Schoolboy tactics
by Lynx September 16, 2013
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Your name of Fakhriy creates a serious, thoughtful nature, shrewd, efficient, and business-minded.

You are one to make your own decisions, and not be influenced by others.On the family front, the name gives you strong parental instincts. It makes you most caring, attached & visibly affectionate to your dear ones. In-fact, you can go to any extent to keep the bond and love intact.With a self-conscious nature, the name makes you someone who is very observant of how people perceive you. As such, many times it makes you worry without a reason.Authority and discipline is something you enforce easily - both at work and at home.Friends, work partners, and clients, often see you as a logical, dependable and a confident person and hence like associating with you.
H : He's very nice and romantic!
A : Of course he is,he's Fakhriy.
by Lynx October 25, 2018
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next person to bat in a baseball game
"Giambi is needs a double here in the sixth. If not, then the Yanks will have to count on Jeter whose on deck."
by Lynx January 5, 2004
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A Phreaker is a person who knows way too fucking much about phones and how they work and how to get illegal free calls and much more just by using a phone and they use boxes like the blue box that generates a blue 2600 hz sound that is a basic 'hack' of a phone.
someone: 'Dude...I ran out of minutes and cant call anywhere..

me: 'Ha need help, eh? I'm a phreaker...I can help you..'
by Lynx August 30, 2004
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Section of the Counter-Strike Forums were hate is rampent.
by Lynx August 9, 2003
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To quote Mr. Loser: absolute hicks; have a football team that called the Crimson Tide because they once tied in a game in the 1910s; racists

Nice work, you complete dipshit. Called Crimson Tide because in the early 1900's they had a great season, and an announcer said they looked like a "Tide of Crimson" storming all over the other teams. Idiot.
While it is true that racism exists in Alabama, can you tell me a state that dosen't hold an example of racism? If you think Alabama is bad because of racism, you're probably an idiot, so go jump off a cliff and rid us of your worthless ass.
by Lynx July 6, 2004
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A woman with honor. She's an independence, smart and creative person. Despite having a villain face she have a pure heart and always helps you whenever you need. She also loyal to someone she loved. Even though she's a confidence woman she sometimes careless and clumsy. That side of her is so cute. Izzaz is someone who is precious in this world. She's so bold but she sometimes have insecurities and she never told anybody. Izzaz is someone who bottled up their feelings. Overall, Izzaz is a great person.
Khun : Izzaz, thank you for everything. You will always be my best friend till jannah.
by Lynx November 21, 2021
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