3 definitions by LushLuver

The BEST band ever. Yes, sometimes their lyrics don't really make sense, and yes, maybe a lot of their songs seem slightly perverted, but their music has such a good sound to it. Plus, Trace and Mason are SUPER hot, so that's always a bonus. Trace's voice is very smooth, while Mason's is high-pitched but beautiful. Metro Station rox.
Person 1: What was that totally amazing band that we heard on the radio the other day?

Person 2: Oh that was Metro Station. I know they rock! I love them.
by LushLuver July 14, 2009
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a new rock-punk-screamo band that just got their songs on itunes. their songs include "if only she knew voodoo like i do" "lock the doors" and "you are what you are". nicholas (the singer) is ammmmmaaaazzzzing. he has a surprisingly high-pitched voice. get scared is often compared to escape the fate. get scared is a new band and could use all the support they can get. you can find them on their myspace: myspace.com/getscaredrock or check out their music on youtube.
Person 1: omgg that singer from the band Get Scared is sooooo hawt

Person 2: ummmm hes kind of creepy looking

Person 1: ya.... but his voice is really good and he is a good dancer. which makes him hawt.

Person 2: oh ok i'll check him out
by LushLuver August 13, 2009
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aka queen of the beautifuls. biggest loser ever. spreads rumors that trace cryus is on drugs(which hes not). a real jerk. person who haunts my life and appears in one of my favorite songs' music video (shake it by metro station).
Jeffree Star is a LOSER.
by LushLuver August 19, 2009
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