37 definitions by Lucy-fer in the sky with diamonds

Or 'brwu'
Internet slang meaning 'be right with you'
commonly used in chatrooms and instant messengers such as msn.
someone says: Why are you replying so slow?

someone else says: I'm playing a game, brwy

someone says: okey dokey
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those strange people that put more than one definition for a word.
usually their own word which nobody else has looked at and there are about 4 definitions of it all from the same person.
these people either must be very sad, get extrememly bored, or have a terrible short-term memory problem.
(insert word here)
this is a word i made up, its an exclamation

(insert word) iv just burnt my hand

Source: person

(insert word here)
this can also be used to compliment someone

aww johns such a (insert word)

Source: person
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also a pretty cool place to hang out on a friday night...on the Isle of Man of course
whey hey for the machine...it does rock it does
ummm, sitting down the beach with guitars randomly jamming and singing...then walking back up to the machine for a huge hug involving everyone in that building...now that sums up the machine!
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Scissor happy is to be using scissors and then cut something up that you shouldn't (to get carried away)
related word- doodle happy
Why's this sign cut up?
Oh yeh i got a bit scissor happy
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1) Happy black means to feel bittersweet about something.

2) Or similarly to feel happy about being depressed.

3) It can also be used to describe feeling happy about being different and not following the crowd etc.

This word, well phrase was invented by me in a poem I wrote a few months back. It makes no sense to anybody but those who feel it!
Enjoy using it in normal conversation when there's no other word you can think of to describe your confused teenage mood.
1) I'm feeling rather happy black today.

2) Man! How hyper were those people tonight, I'll be quite happy to go back to my sombre mood. (that's happy black)
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As an update; Happy Black is now also a song by my cousin Tom, a song by my friend's band Calcia, and a character on WoW =)
Happy Black Fever! =D *dances*
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Rape Me

Rape me, my friend
Rape me again

I'm not the only one

Hate me
Do it and do it again.

Waste me
Taste me, my friend.

My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
*Rape Me is such an ace song. One of the best and its not even from the ever-so-hyped Nevermind album.
So if you're one of those people that have Nevermind and think that's all you need to know and hear about Nirvana...then think again and buy some of their OTHER albums (Tip: In Utero- fucking awesome)*
see above for complete lyrics
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