1 definition by Luciously

1. A individual who accidentally wrote down "engineering" in his/her degree field when filling out college applications, just because said mom/dad/relatives/society pressured them with promises of jewels and riches upon graduation, only to find that they are masters and lords of the 8x5 ft. cubicle at said dead-end job. Often settles with a liberal arts/advertising partner to feel intellectually superior within his/her home. Has compulsive attitudes towards arranging kitchen utensils or other minor items within his/her household, and can become anal-retentive when gardening, mowing, or other yardwork activities.

Frequently cried him/herself until class the next day, since sleep was and still is nonexistent.
John was a great engineer and could solve problems, but couldn't understand why his children became druggies and burnouts at age 16.
by Luciously January 4, 2008
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