35 definitions by Lucas

hiv (human imunodeficiency virus) or aids (aquired imunodeficiency virus)
lorisha got the trait from workin' too much in hunts point
by Lucas July 10, 2004
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When something is all pimp with its electronics
That car is pimptronic.
by Lucas January 23, 2004
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What Aulbire says because it seems to be less than 'drunk' when she doesn't wants to admit that she's fucked up.
Im ok, Im just krunk.
by Lucas July 2, 2004
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A woman with a very large vagina whose labia resembles large hanging pink curtains.
I was about to have sex with this chick but then I saw her opera house and my standing ovation lost its enthusiasm.
by Lucas February 17, 2005
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A user of Macintosh computers, an Apple fan.
"So did you get caught out by that annoying (virus/worm/trojan)?"
"Nah, I'm a Mactard"
by Lucas May 28, 2004
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The man all girls are attracted to.
He's such a jerk, yet all the girls go for him!
by Lucas April 18, 2004
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a term for bangin hard, or riding em rough
by Lucas November 15, 2003
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