12 definitions by Louis K

Abundant, often ridiculously so
All these high schoolers write with such copious wording, I just have to give them F's, and I know they just go home and cut themselves because of it.
by Louis K June 1, 2005
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Term meaning Penis. Also can be used for marajuana/hash.
I've got to go take care of the bombolock (meaning masturbate or smoke).
by Louis K June 6, 2005
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Like democracy, socialism, marxism, and other forms of government, a form where the ruling class claims to give power to the majority (the people, working class, whatever), while instead, devoting it to themselves.

The concept of communism, just like the concept of democracy, would work fine if it was not corrupt, or if it did what it claimed is stood for.
by Louis K June 24, 2005
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A girl some guy is not really interested in, but who, for some reason or another, he occasionally works on building a relationship with. Sort of a hobby.
"dude, can you come over this weekend?"

"no man, I'm working on my weekend project."
by Louis K April 24, 2005
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Stereotypical high-school football player- huge, uncoordinated, toneless muscles, heavy drinker, hosts lots of parties which are so boring that everyone has to drink heavily to amuse themselves, usually has poor grades.
Guy: Our school has a lot of football players, but only a few of them are real Footballers.


Typical Preppy Ho' Girl: OMG those footballers are soo hott! I'm going to a party this weekend. It's been like a whole week since I was drunk!
by Louis K May 29, 2005
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