1 definition by Louis Andre

Pronunciation Key
v. n. pwn, pwnd, :pwnage, :pwnd

1. From the Root word Own, and Ownage, the process of defeating an opponent or opponents at various Multiplayer Online Games, including 1st person shooters and Rts game simulators.

2. To Eliminate (a character) from a game whereby the character is lost and terminated including extreme frustration, whereas slamming the mouse and keyboard helps justify the action of destroying ones own property.

3. To describe, pride, joy and accomplishment.

4. To inflict pain and frustration to opposite opponents, where the character : (semi-colon) followed by the character P, creates the word :pwnage. :pwnage in most typographical form creates a "smily face" infront of the word, ownage. Whereby creating :pwnage, which stands for "I'm laughing at your Bitc* A$$, because I just Owned your A$$".

Eg. Upon using MSN messenger type, :Pwnage and Ownage will be displayed
by Louis Andre March 20, 2006
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