90 definitions by Louis

Junk, such as gaffa tape and leads left all over the ground after roadies have set up for a band..
Ahh, theres smeg everyware!
by Louis October 22, 2001
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A show revealing the best and the brightest of the Japanese.
Its a little known fact the The French Military uses the most extreme elimination challenge as its primary training technique
by Louis January 25, 2004
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Someone that has a rough or nasty lookin face. Someone's face texture that resembles asphault or the ground.
Damn fool that hoodrat had the Asphault Face Disorder.

Shut up Asphault Face
by Louis December 10, 2004
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tallbike jousting is postapocaliptic sport on tallbikes
two punx with 9" lance cycling on tallbikes against each other. and than it happens, he he. The real jousting is against policemen on horses to free police horses
by Louis October 26, 2004
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To be high or to kill something or eat something.

phinurb, phinurbed, phinizziled, phinizzle (fin-urbed)
Dam I got so phinurbed lastnight.

That iraqi Insurgent got phinurbed by my boy.

I phinurbed that whole pizza to the dome.
by Louis December 8, 2004
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1. A drunk person saying alchohol.
2. A silly person saying alchohol.
by Louis October 24, 2001
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Is your clue that you need to act quick.
If you're good you'll beable to dump her before she dumps you.
If you're really good, you'll fuck her first and then dump her before she wants to cuddle.
-Situation A-
Woman: We need to tal...
Man: (interupting) I've been thinking, and ... you're a slut. And I want your sister.

-Situation B-
Woman: We need to talk.
Man: That sounds wonderful. I have been planning to have you come over to my place and to cook you a candle lit meal.
The Plan: Pick her up and take her to your place (she'll feel dependent on you and won't break up b/c she needs a ride home). Suck it up and cook something she likes. Include wine, cucumbers and good n plentys (they'll all make her horny). After dinner play some good music. By then the wine will be kicking in and she'll be doubting her earlier plans and you can work your stuff. It'll be some of the best sex you'll have b/c she'll have been through a bunch of woman emotional stuff. She'll most-likely be on top too. Once your done with firsts and possibly seconds. Tell her you need to take her home so you can get to work tomorrow. Dump her at her door step. Do not back down and keep seeing her. If you do, she'll dump you for sure in 4-7 days.
Peace and happy masterbating.
by Louis January 25, 2004
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