13 definitions by Loopt

To be the victim of a plum throwing incident.
I was walking down the street then all of a sudden I got plumed.
by Loopt March 1, 2017
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Something that is extreme, it either being a taste, smell or a effect.
Whoa! That blue cheese is chronic.
by Loopt March 4, 2017
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Something that is funny.
That movie about glow in the dark flying earthworms was a corker!
by Loopt March 4, 2017
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To stick your finger in potting mix before sticking it in someones ears.
Time to give someone a worm hole!
by Loopt March 4, 2017
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To get drunk like a elephant in a fermented fruit farm.
The other night I got so Trunked off a litre of vodka!
by Loopt March 1, 2017
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The process of leaving something alone for it to become strong in flavour.
I have a packet of gummy bears in Vodka and now they are Potentnating!
by Loopt March 2, 2017
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