50 definitions by Lon

Leadership refers to the quality that a person or collection of people hold in which they command respect and are highly influential. However, leadership has shown to be highly overrated, in accordance with the numerous scandals and failures among leaders themselves. Leadership is frequently questionable and should be critically evaluated. Some psychologist groups argue that the "born leader" also has a lot in common with people who suffer from narcissistic personality tendencies.
"Hey, let's go to this leadershp conference."

"Okay. Does that mean we get to become the rich one-percent who controls the world and everyone in it?"


by Lon May 6, 2005
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Psychology defines abnormal typically in the realms of abnormal behavior. There are three main criteria that are used in defining what is abnormal.

They are:
1. The behvaior poses a risk to either themself/others.
2. The person exhibiting the behavior is distressed by it.
3. It is statisically deviant.

Also, to a lesser extent, societal norms come into play in defining what is abnormal, but the risk of using this as a criterion increases the risk of stigmatizing.
Beating a pan over your head and talking to invisible blue dinosaurs while shitting your pants is abnormal.
by Lon May 26, 2005
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The name that several have given to Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars series, due to the parallels of his character and Jesus Christ.

1. Both were "immaculately" concevied. Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and Anakin by the Midichlorians.

2. Both were prophesized to be the savior of their people. Jesus for mankind's sins, and Anakin to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force.
Anakin's fall to the darkside would be like saying Jesus Christ refuted God, and sided with Satan and the demons of hell.
by Lon August 18, 2005
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An extremley rich person, usually seen wearing fur coats and high class suits. They almost always live in huge ass mansions, and drive high-class foreign cars. While some can be complete assholes, others actually share their wealth.
Look at that rich bitch over there in that Mercedes! Damn!
by Lon October 13, 2003
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The bizzarre mood your dog is in immediately following you giving it a bath. Typical behavior includes running, jumping, barking, and generally acting crazy.
We just gave Tilly a bath, now she's jumping around, acting like a lunatic. She has the bath crazies.
by Lon December 22, 2006
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In the Star Wars universe, Midichlorian's are chemical compounds found within every living cell that forms the basis between the connection life and the Force. Without midichlorians, life would be impossible. According to Star Wars lore, the amount of midichlorians in a life from represents it's ability to understand, comprehend, and manipulate the Force.

According to Qui-Gon Jinn, in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker had the highest midichlorian count in any life form ever detected. That count was 20,000 per cell. This number was even higher than Yoda's.

However, one can only hypothesize how many midichlorians Anakin's son, Luke had.
Midichlorians fundamentally connect you to the Force.
by Lon May 23, 2005
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