16 definitions by LoFiNerdyGuy

A scapegoat mantra chanted by ultra-conservatives and the news media whenever a violent incident occurs in the United States
Just one of many forms of Americans shrugging off accountability.
Damn dude, did you see the news? Kyle got arrested for beating up an old woman at the Waffle House. His alcoholic mom just got interviewed by the local news. She was blaming Marilyn Manson and Minecraft, on that whole "video games cause violence" tangent. When is she going to wake up and see that her son has always been an asshole and she's had 27 years to do something about it?
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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1.) (Noun.)

An über religious Republican that utilizes Cherry Picked and personally edited passages from the Bible in order to justify their own personal homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, racism, and generally shitty way of life as they attempt to enforce it upon others.

2.) A supremely shitty religious individual that is usually involved in some form of televangelism and politics that uses their reach to tell others how to live their lives, despite having no business doing so.
Hey, did you guys see Pastor Mayberry is running for the Senate? You know, the same guy that attacked the Hebrew owned bagel shop up the street because their coffee cups said "happy holidays?" The same guy who refused to officiate my sister's wedding because she was marrying a "mexican" woman? That's all this country needs, another Cuntservative in the Senate.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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Existance Coach - a person that believes their advice should be passed on to others - no matter how bad.

One Whose advice doesn't help people to live - only merely exist.

A positively useless "influencer" who believes their way of life is beneficial to others despite the fact they may not have the same means. Thus encouraging them to live an existence beyond said means ultimately resulting in an unfulfilling existence.
Holy shit, here comes Matt. That guy's been taking yoga for a week and suddenly he's an "existence coach."
Just yesterday, he told me to donate the car I have, drive a Tesla, and start eating impossible Whoppers everyday because my "chi" is out of alignment.

That mother fucker is worse than Prince Ea.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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1.) A person on social media ( usually female) who takes out their anger on the opposite sex by posting the usual "tiny dick" or "men are trash" memes but is the first person in line to call you trash if you do anything remotely close.

2.) A "feminist icon" who spends all day on Facebook, Twitter, Etc, accusing men of sexual objectification and yet she's seen both Magic Mike films on numerous occasions and frequents the local male strip club on a regular basis.
God damn you're such a hypocrite. You spend all day talking about "men being trash" when you were sleeping with a married man. You are the worst kind of double standard Debbie.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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V.) The act of insulting everyone - ESPECIALLY the Admins/Mods - of let's say..a singles group before announcing your departure as if it were a Greyhound terminal.
Fuckin' Jeff. He joined an "Anime Fan Singles Group" told everyone how much he hated anime before calling everyone a bunch of weebs and got pissed when the Admin and Mods told him off. I don't know why he keeps joining up with his history of "Flouncin' and Bouncin'."

Always announcing his departure like he's in Grand Central Station and shit..
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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N.) A sexual act where the giver performs a beejwhile tickling the receiver's butthole and balls at the same time, eventually ending up wrist-deep in the poo launcher thus causing them to flail around like an excited Kermit the Frog puppet
Gotdamn! Shaqueshia's a freak. She was doing things to me that had me freaking out screamin' "YAAAAAAY!" She got them "Henson Hands."
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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1.) A gender-neutral term for Gold Digger.

2.) One who willfully and gleefully stimulates the genitalia of the Rich and Famous with their mouth in hopes of becoming one in the same.
Did you see so and so in that back alley over there? That snobgobbler was saying their ABCs below that person's Beltline so they could score a Mercedes.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 20, 2018
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