1 definition by LittleDogsAreRealDogsToo

A small (3-7lbs) dog that originated from breeding large Spitz-type sled dogs down in size. They are awesome, spunky, feisty and great for anyone who wants a Husky but doesn't want to RUN RUN RUN all day long.

People who want to put them in purses, not neuter/spay them, let them breed willy-nilly, never train them, and let them bark ALL THE GODDAMN TIME are ruining this breed for the rest of us.
My Pomeranian has a Canine Good Citizenship title, doesn't bark at strangers and loves his life because he's treated like a real dog. Paris Hilton's Pomeranian wants to die but wants her to die before it does.
by LittleDogsAreRealDogsToo May 27, 2009
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