16 definitions by Little Miss Mayonnaise

In a long line of parked cars, you can always guarentee that the red ones will be absolutely covered with guano. The Shit-Hawk itself (slang for seagull = Cornwall, pigeon = London) then comes back and selects another colour to crap on before repeating the process with the red ones. Hence the term 'Shit-Hawk Snooker' is born
Dude1: Jeezus man have you seen the state of my CAR? Its been shit-hawk snookered !!! Get me my gun !!

Dude2: What did you expect, its red ya CHOWDERHEAD!
by Little Miss Mayonnaise August 9, 2005
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To be plain simple and boring as opposed to a 'creme brulee' life which is exciting with all guns blazing
Not to be confused with daily masturbation and pots of toss etc

Thank You
by Little Miss Mayonnaise May 26, 2005
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Crappy Internet Relay Chat service where you are continually bombarded by cigarette sellers, adverts for increasing yr tit/penis size, turkish pervs with their trollies down and bizarre robot spam from the iron curtain
Where the friendless go to die...
by Little Miss Mayonnaise June 8, 2005
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An Internet Relay Chat programme which sucks quite frankly. Started off as a good alternative to MSN but now gets swamped by Turkish pervs, bogus internet joblinks and bizarre robot spam from the iron curtain.
by Little Miss Mayonnaise June 3, 2005
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Cookie/brownie crammed full of dope
Mrs Smith took some space cakes to her local church coffee morning and the whole congregation was as stoned as a rats arse
by Little Miss Mayonnaise May 27, 2005
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A state of mind where you are suffering from information overload or are in such a confused emotional state that you cant think straight

Knotty, wet and messy - you dont wanna be in that state for long, lifes too short
I just crammed all my revising for the year in one day - I know have a bad case of 'spaghetti brain.'

I have spent all day with Angela and she is just such hard work. She has given me 'spaghetti brain' thats for sure.
by Little Miss Mayonnaise May 26, 2005
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Popular beat combo of the mid seventies. The girls divided themselves as cute, blonde and bonkable (Agnetha), the other one as the troll with the Nazi father (AnniFrid). Guys were hairy and they all used to play their gigs in their jim jams (silk pyjamas on stage were allll the rage on stage in the seventies dahhhhling)

Joking apart, they were a cool band and I think its a shame that Anna walled herself up from the public for the past 17 years.
*Sung in falsetto voice*
One of them is ugly
One of them is cute
One of them you'd love to see
In their birthday suit........
by Little Miss Mayonnaise May 25, 2005
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