11 definitions by LiquidSwords

of or relating to the state of being incapable of being moved
After taking a massive bong hit, immobilarity sets in.
by LiquidSwords October 13, 2005
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To refine is to perfect. Power is the truth, which is Allah's mathematics. To Knowledge the Culture of Islam is to have Power.
by LiquidSwords October 13, 2005
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2 in Supreme Mathematics

wise-words being spoken, or to speak Knowledge (wise-dome meaning a wise-mind), and act according to it
Wisdom is water, or the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the original woman because through her Cipher (womb) life is continued. It is also a reflection of one's Knowledge, and is shown and proven by the moon, being a reflection of the Sun's light (knowledge). Knowledge + the reflection of Knowledge = Wisdom (1+1=2).
by LiquidSwords October 13, 2005
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7 in Supreme Mathematics

Allah is God, Perfection

also God
The supreme being Blackman, who is the original, is God, Allah, lord of all the worlds, supreme ruler of the universe, which is everything: sun, moon, and stars (God is the sun in the solar system, woman is moon, child is star). God is Perfection.

G is also the seventh letter in the alphabet.
by LiquidSwords October 13, 2005
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