6 definitions by Lion/of/Destiny

A collection of whores gathered in the same area doing whore like activities.
There's no way I'll go to that movie there's going to be tea sets everywhere.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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The tea party last night was so messy there was tea everywhere.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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I wouldn't get with that girl if I were you she gots some star bursts.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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A group of whores gathered at someone's house to have a night long orgy.
You going to the tea party tonight at Stacy's?
Oh yeah it's gonna be totally wild.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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A female whore who sleeps with every man she sees hoping to get money from them.
Dude I can't belive he's with Cayce she is such a teacup.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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A male whore who gets with any and every girl that will take him usually very egotistical.
Isn't he with Beth?
No, that was yesterday he got with Hannah last night.
Yeah he's such a teapot.
by Lion/of/Destiny August 1, 2010
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