18 definitions by Lily_of_Geeks

readingasm (ree-ding-gaz-uhm)
1. the heightened physical and emotional sensation experienced while watching Nirvana: Live at Reading
2. a similar point of intensity or excitement from other Nirvana entertainment

1. to have a readingasm
watching the entire MTV Unplugged special is sure to produce multiple readingasms
by Lily_of_Geeks November 3, 2009
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When after playing a long ass song on Guitar Hero, everything seems to move toward you.
Dude, playing "One" made me get Guitar Hero eyes.
by Lily_of_Geeks July 25, 2009
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Pronounced "fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine".

Used to describe someone that is above-average looking.
Dayum, that girl is fine. As in, black-people fine.
by Lily_of_Geeks August 9, 2009
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The day that all hope for music died and the path was directed straight to hell.
Quick, let's teleport back before April 5th, 1994 and save Kurt so the black people don't take over the world.
by Lily_of_Geeks August 9, 2009
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Doritos, Mountain Dew, and video games. Also known as Gaming Gold.
"Hey, can we stop at Meijer? We need some Essence of Late Nights."
by Lily_of_Geeks July 10, 2009
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