51 definitions by Lig Na Baste

"Finally, a messageboard you aren't banned from!!"
~ Which is good, becuase these guys can't survive anywhere else.
Says a lot about the personalities of the users doesn't it?

"We know how hard it is, being an unlikeable shithead, in a world that values social interaction regardless of the format.
We know, that the internet is great place to unwind and show everyone what a disgusting cocksucker you really are.
Come on in, we'll give you hugs and, tell you you don't suck, regardless of what reality says."

Basically, a virtual daycare center for gaming's most anti-social clowns.

If you could imagine the biggest loser, virgin for life, pussy stereotypes, they would be gnet users.

Impotent kids and, man-children bragging about being unlikable chodes in games.

Basically, newfags for the gaming set.

Do you live in a basement and hate yourself?
Do you think being a dick is cool?
Is "fag" your best insult?

You have a place here.
Griefers.net: Providing a safe, obnoxious haven for the personality deprived, gaming brats and the anti-social losers of the gaming world.
by Lig Na Baste November 15, 2009
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A really stupid way of saying "noob"
Which a really stupid way of saying "newb"
Which is a really stupid way of saying "newbie"

Used by staggeringly unclever nerds to insult people but end up looking staggeringly retarded. Average age of user: 13-22 (When 99% of users reach 23 they realize how damn stupid they sound and stop speaking with lame, internet affectations)

People can cite the military all they like. Game nerds only use the word, because it is the mouth breathing internet dweller's idea of "clever" to respell shit in stupid ways.
Calling someone "nub" makes you look like a retarded 5 year old. It makes you look far more idiotic then those you mock.
by Lig Na Baste January 5, 2009
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(This commentary is written from the view of someone who technically qualifies as a Hardcore Gamer but, absolutely hates the majority of his peers. If you happen to be an HC gamer, that still manages to NOT look down on all those who don't conform to your style or that you are NOT somehow owed something from your hobby, than this does not apply to you. Not all HCG's are like this. The below is however, how the vocal majority wish to be seen. This is for them, and the bad name they give us all.)

Hardcore Gamer:

A very vocal, arrogant minority of gamers that assume that the gaming industry revolves (or should revolve) around them.

Consider their own skills, and preferences and, those of their peers, to be the only acceptable use of a recreational medium.

Often use the term "True Gamer". An arrogant, idiotic term invented by insecure people to justify their own gaming style.

The irony is, the gaming industry was born from the notion, that these are games, pinball dating back as far as the 40's was designed for people to relax and enjoy.
Pong brought it home, followed by other game systems that were designed for fun and recreation.

However, like all hobbies, there will always be those "stop having fun guys" that ruin it for everyone else.
People who feel that the industry belongs to them.
People who fail to realize that there will always be a place for them but really just want it all. If casual players get their way the whole industry will collapse and the world will end.
People who adopted the medium as their own and decided that they were the only ones worthy.

Refuse to accept that, like board games, video games are made to be enjoyed. They aren't made for you to feel good about yourself. there are hardcore boardgamers out there too and, they also miss the point.

Hardcore gamers are no less ridiculous than a "pin the tail on the donkey" elitist, who shows up to a birthday party with their own pins and blindfold, won't shut up about you're "spinning all wrong" then looks shocked, as to why the rest of the guests find them socially repulsive.

Hardcore gamers are generally cliquish, rude, snide and belligerent.
When they aren't attacking casuals, they're attacking each other for the dumbest shit.

"Yeah you beat that boss but, I did it without using half my abilities, blindfolded, with no healing items, on hardcore extreme killer blood-hell mode!"
Don't sell yourself short kid, you also did it with your head up your ass.

This comes from a culture where sarcasm is way more important than ideas.

To be hardcore, a game pretty much needs to be "difficult".
That's all hardcore games really are. Tedious and long, and dragged out and hard.
Because the life of a hardcore gamer generally isn't very taxing, they can turn to games to "challenge" them.

Often times they'll wax on about how casual gamers are gradually killing the market, while ignoring the fact that the market has always had room for both players and, that some people have a life to kick their ass. That, when they sit down to play a video game, it's not so damn important that a player needs to turn it into some perfectionist job you don't get payed for.

That maybe, a person who doesn't piss 90% of their paycheck on games also deserves to enjoy a game.

Me? I qualify as a hardcore gamer, but I hate the term. I'm ashamed of HC gamers and how awful they make gamers look. How ignorant they are. How arrogant and myopic. How they taunt and belittle people simply for failing to take a fucking game too seriously.

Hardcore gamers want the entire medium of electronic games for themselves. They don't care about anyone else. They're selfish, ignorant tools who want to stay in the basement, never getting laid.

There is a big difference, between wanting a challenge and, demanding everyone should. See past your own god damn skills for once in your lives. Learn to accept that not everyone can sit in front of a monitor for hours mastering a game.
If you need to insult a person's gaming preference, you're the one that needs to stop playing.
Hardcore gamers want games to be hard for the sake of compensating for an empty, easy life. They have nothing else to be proud of so they look to gaming for some shred of pride.
If only they displayed that pride with some manner of grace and civility.
by Lig Na Baste April 17, 2009
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"Community Manager"
Basically a glorified Forum Moderator that is connected to Blizzard Developers via a long leash. Like one would find on a dog. A dog however, is slightly more helpful when it comes to tech support and customer service.

Blizzard CM's are known for several things:

1. Canned PR responses.
2. Crappy Logic.
3. Unprofessional, biased moderation of behavior.
4. Razor-thin egos.
5. Followed by a legion of fanbois screaming as if the Beatles have regrouped and decided to devote the bulk of their time together sitting at computers, shepherding vast sums of the biggest morons the gaming community has ever seen, around a poorly maintained and operated message board for a company that makes more money than Europe (the continent, not the band).

Cm's will request positive feedback, in a thread full of complaints posted just inches above fifteen to twenty threads full of said requested feedback. Those positive examples will go forever untouched by said CM. Pointing this fact out, will also be ignored.

If you piss off a CM personally, they will decide to actually give a damn about insults -as a forum rule- long enough to ban you or close your thread. You can tell people to drop dead on every page leading up to that point but, don't insult a CM, their feelings actually matter.

Often times, they'll give a "reason" such as: "This topic is old, if you need to talk about it, post a new thread."
If that logic didn't give you an immediate aneurysm, you may have been born on Krypton.

CM's technical know-how is highly suspect, like the "surgical skills" of a guy working out of his sister's apartment in the Bronx or a Best Buy Geek Squad employee.
All problems are solved by:
1. Deleting your WTF folder. (Called so do the reaction most feel when told that, doing so will solve a problem caused by AT&T's network hub.)
2. Power Cycle your modem.
3. Ping your connection and post it.
If these don't work, try doing them again.
If that doesn't work..try doing them again.

Blizzard CM's are witty too. They like to waste their allotted three valuable posts per annual quarter, by being productive and clever in threads like:
~ If You Could Verbally Suck Off Drysc in a Thread, Which Will Immediately Dissolve into Staggeringly Unfunny Random Crap, Forum Fads and Ancient Memes, Would You Please do it Here. ~

Blizzard Cm's have decided long ago that the Offical Blizzard boards were going to suck and blow harder than Tera Patrick caught in a hurricane.
the place is a joke. Trolls, fanbois and idiots dominate and the CM's don't care.

Any criticism leveled at a CM is immediately cut off at the source and one is directed to wowcmfeedback@blizzard.com.
This is without a doubt the biggest load of transparent crap a CM can drop in a thread.
Simply put anyone who believs this email is going to be read by anyone important is an idiot. The CM's are so bad and so unprofessional that the influx of complaints must be beyond belief and they haven't flushed these turds yet. Your email gets sent to a special inbox where the CM's can have a good chuckle before continuing being impotent figure heads who wait for a random fanboy to make up an excuse for Blizzard's regular bullshit, simply quote it and say, "Yeah, what this guy said!"

At this point CM's post once a week just see the inevitable wave of sycophantic tools show up and agree with them for simply having blue font. It gets bad to the point of self parody. Never mind, that a CM is Blizzard employee who is too inept to actually do anything of value, like a hype man for a video game developer.
Blizzard CM means "community manager" but the only thing these inept fucksticks "manage" to do with any competence, is fuck the place up with their apathetic bullshit.
by Lig Na Baste April 22, 2009
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Combination of "Terrible" and "Bad".

Adopted by and, thoroughly beaten to death, by the shittier World of Warcraft playing community for people that they don't like. Because every society of caustic for the sake of cool, self loathing nerds needs to have their own memes and slang to fit in, WoW has this weak shit.

People who realize that "thinking" isn't their particular strength and figure that, being witless, meme sheepish tools, an Armory check and some lame ass slang should be a good enough replacement for tact, knowledge, facts or well thought out arguments.
Terribad, bads, scrubs, Futurama references are all ingredients in the gigantic shit stew that makes WoW players look like the dumbest, most anti-social losers in Gaming.
by Lig Na Baste March 11, 2009
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Sensationalized minutia.
Uhuh? really? you don't say. Hey you know what? I'd really love to continue reading this blog but, I too, have ridden a bus before and know that George Bush is three monkeys in a man suit. Really? You like Tuna fish and Pink Floyd? I really have to..ok I get it, your boss is a jag, I'm really not..your favorite song..riveting...hey I think I left some of my attention in the car, I'll be right back!
*starts car*
*peels away*
by Lig Na Baste January 7, 2008
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If you could take any maturity and/or dignity GameFAQs has, and completely replace it with childish, biased, console flaming douchebags that are somehow too stupid and childish to be members of GameFAQs, which is the third-most stupid website online, (second only to Gamespot which, is second only to Moviecodec.com).
You'd have Gamespot, the stupidest PURE-gaming website you'll ever need, if you ever need a stupid gaming website.

Members spend a great deal of time insulting people for having objective opinions, and liking another console. For Hell's sake, there's a 'Console War' section which, despite the large warnings, are really just asking for flame wars. The members can hardly be expected to maintain control, when talking about unrelated stuff.
When given a forum designed just for "warring" over consoles pops up, you're an idiot to believe, that these morons have the self control to behave.

Another great thing about the members is, they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to bash GameFAQS. Which, is hilarious, because GF members spend a ton of time doing exactly the same about GS. I can't tell the difference.

The moderators?...whoo hoo! they're bad.
I don't know if CNET just raises these jackholes in some monstrous egg sack fertilized by unprofessional-ism and remedial forum moderation, but man they might be the worst in history.

These people are just like members, complete with the mandatory lack of objectivity, the favoritism toward specific members and all the lame-ass shit, better boards' staff avoid.

STAY AWAY. If you've found that, you've been exposed to Gamespot, immediately flush your eyes with water several times, induce vomiting, lie down...and then shoot yourself in the head. At least then, your last moments will more enjoyable then the time spent on that shitty site.

Gamespot made me want to go to GameFAQs and I believe, at that very moment, all the little children in Hell got out of school for a fun filled, snow day.
Gamespot is called "Gamespot" because it resembles a stain on the internet.
by Lig Na Baste August 1, 2008
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