51 definitions by Lig Na Baste

An alien frat guy whose dad totally owns a car dealership, had to get hammered to get his lung tat cause it hurt like eight bitches on a bitch boat and totally rocks the seven shades of shit out of your face, motherfuckers.
From: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Episode: Frat Aliens (2003)
Voiced by: Patton Oswalt
Frylock: Okay... then what's your real name?
DP: Bros call me DP, short for donkey-puncher, get it?
Frylock: Yeah.. I do.
DP: Sometimes I'm donkey puncherelo, or D-to-the-P, or Big DP, or uh.. King Donko of Punchstania.
Master Shake: Dude, the player. Dude party! Party Dude!!! PD!!!
Frylock: No, I need your real name. What your mother calls you.
DP: Ah... You know what, just try DP.
Master Shake: Dude pal! That's what you should be... cause you're my dude...pal!
DP: Dude, your buddy here is givin' me a rash.
by Lig Na Baste May 6, 2008
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Poorly moderated message board for the video game company Atlus.

Members consist of arrogant, childish elitists whose love of relatively obscure niche market Japanese RPGs has created a high school-caliber clique of virginal losers completely oblivious to how bad they make the fans look. Constant trolling and flame wars are the norm. Posts about who should be banned and attacks on people who are -at best- tame by comparison to the popular members are common. 90% of each thread devolves into "random humor" and inside jokes and/or circle jerks. Popularity is based on who you make fun of and reject and, who you accept and never question -both of which, are determined by the high post counters.

Moderators are more concerned with being viewed as "cool" by the small group of attention whoring popular members while enforcing said clique-minded mobbing until no longer personally entertaining.
Atlus.com message boards is THE place to go for gamers who think games should ride solely on unorthodox character designs and limited edition sales.
by Lig Na Baste March 4, 2008
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1. Traditionally used to describe the final rounds of chess games.

2. Also used to describe the final moments of a dramatic encounter, fight or series of events.

3. In MMORPG. Used to describe the playing done by people who have reached the maximum progression and/or the most advanced content currently available.
"....and now we enter, end game."
- The Simpsons' Principal Seymour Skinner (while hunting down a truant Bart Simpson)
by Lig Na Baste June 10, 2008
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People who post empty and meaningless messages, purely to provoke.
Such people are mentally ill and have severe personality issues and insecurity as well as the average mind/priorities of a twelve year old.

Some people just can't grow out of the period in their life when scribbling on the walls and dropping spiders on the girls they liked was acceptable. At 20-30yrs of age, it's just pathetic.

Trolls don't care about proving a point or championing a cause. They just want to annoy, for the sake of annoyance and personal enjoyment, like a baby is entertained by a rattle or colorful lights.
They may tack on a "point" to draw out specific types of people but, it really doesn't matter. They're all the same. They all say the same shit. They all have the same excuses. They all fall back on the same responses and, they all share the same obliviousness to how stupid and pointless their lives are.

The troll is easily amused by things only the most retarded, unfunny child would appreciate.

They celebrate getting a reaction, that's it. Generally, they are so desperate for human interaction and, they are usually so vile, that negative attention is the best they can get. The saddest thing is, anyone can get a reaction by acting like an idiot. Anyone. They honestly take pride in the "art" like they've actually accomplished something.

It's astonishing to watch them brag about something 90% of the world would be embarrassed to even consider.

Don't let the occasional "smart" troll fool you. There is no "art" to it. It's a self loathing tool with anonymity to shield him, doing stupid things and when someone tells them they're making an ass of themselves, they dance around like some great mastermind who manipulated the psyches of those around them through careful planning and psychology, when in reality, they're a retard who shit in the public fountain and laughed when everyone looked.

Trolls have existed since ancient times, when they were referred to as the "village idiot" or "town drunk" a quixotic hero in their own mind, that the rest of the world pities in disgust.

Said disgust, isn't a victory, trolls. You've lost. Pray you never realize it. Ignorance truly is bliss and, you're the happiest motherfuckers around. Go see a shrink and tell them that you find enjoyment in pissing people off and try to look surprised when they tell you, you've got serious mental problems.
Troll this. *finger*
by Lig Na Baste March 3, 2009
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Santa Clause.
Easter Bunny.
Good Customer Service from nexon.
A funny Family Circus cartoon.
Bisexual, Vampire Teen Wizards.

What do these things have in common?

None of them are real. They're all imaginary.

I will explain Nexon's approach to customer service in one sentence and then some more sentences after:
"We have your money, fuck you, we have your money."


You forgot your password.
You click the link "recover PW" under log in.
You are NOT sent your password. You have your real password reset. You are then sent a temporary password to log in with.

Your only option to check your account info is a reset password option. There is no info on your account for you to review. NOTHING.

When you attempt to change your password to a new one, you'll find that your temporary PW doesn't count toward changing it.

Thus, they've completely blocked you from ever logging back in on that account, as even if you remember your old PW somehow, it's now been reset to a random string of letters and numbers.

So basically, you need to remember your PW to recover your forgotten PW.

To use their customer service to open a ticket, you'll need to log in.

The ticket must consist of your two security questions, the second of which, ISN'T TOLD TO YOU.

Not only that but Nexon has been known to change your security questions without notice!
So if you forgot that question, you can open a separate ticket to recover THAT!

Oh yeah, you can only have one ticket open at a time. It may also takes literally months to get a response.
If you somehow miss the notice of this fact, ALL of your tickets will be deleted.

If your email changes.
...You're fucked. Because they ONLY send your info to your original email. If it was closed for any reason. You're fucked.
Why bother helping you when they can just wait for you to make a new account and spend more money starting over?

If you are a friend of a GM you WILL be allowed to cheat and hack the game without punishment. This has been proven countless times.

One player actually sent a report about themselves hacking and was given a canned response thanking the player for the report. Proving Nexon isn't paying attention, nor do they give a rat's ass.

Nexon is now infamous for having THE worst customer service of all time. Maple Story is the third highest grossing MMORPG (making 100-500 million dollars annually) in the world and despite this, their security, forum/website, staff and policies are not only unprofessional, they are underhanded, deceitful, spiteful and shamelessly evil.
Like military intelligence, "acting naturally", jumbo shrimp and Microsoft Works -Nexon Customer Service is an oxymoron.
by Lig Na Baste July 17, 2009
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Forum Administrator of Atlus.com.

Enforces a hypocritical, oppressive clique based atmosphere in which the user agreement rules are enforced strictly based on his own whims and personal bias of each member. Allows constant flame wars and off topic thread derailment.
Banning and rule enforcement only to those personally disliked.

Shameless lack of professionalism and hypocrisy bolstered by blatant, situational lying.

Obnoxiously enforces rule breaking done by popular members, selectively choosing who has the right to defend themselves or criticize.

Cares more about enforcing status quo and garnering the respect of the high post counters than enforcing rules and doing his job.
Inzaghi told one member he doesn't censor members. Then told him to stop posting in a thread due to the member's criticism of the moderation (or lack there of) Other members continued to berate and flame with no consequence while contradicting themselves by telling those offended to "ignore" (Something they themselves refuse to do)
by Lig Na Baste March 5, 2008
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AKA, BVTW Syndrome.
The most common example, is My Immortal, which is considered to be the worst fanfiction ever produced and, may have in fact, existed since the dawn of time. Some believe it to be one of Nyarlathotep's 999 forms.
It is also commonplace on free form roleplaying message boards.

The disturbingly common practice of writing Harry Potter-based fanfiction or creating HP-based characters that are, for purposes of the female writer's fantasy, bisexual for other "hawt Hogwarts guys" and, on occasion, situationally "hawt" for the writer's alter ego, female main character.

...Oh and they're also VAMPIRES.

Bad HP slash writers (oxymoron?) LOVE vampires.

People who suffer from BVTW Syndrome:

Any combination of: Ron, Harry, Draco and Snape fucking in the Forbidden Forest.
Goth anything
Hot Topic
F-bomb dropping Dumbledore
Gun toting Voldemorts

Hogwart's boarding school Dress Code.
Vampires that have fangs and burn in sunlight.
Magic classes.
Writing anything with even the remotest of semblance, to the characters and stories that these fanfics are based on.
Bisexual, Vampire Teen Wizards are why a Harry Potter role playing game will most likely never see print.
by Lig Na Baste July 17, 2009
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