6 definitions by Lifesgambit

A colony full of penisuses.
Man, it must suck being sent to a penal colony as a straight dude.
by Lifesgambit January 5, 2017
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A white-haired chick with an extremely passionate and loving fanbase on an online MOBA known as league of legends. Riven players, more specifically Riven Mains are often associated with raging and negative behavior.
"Man, fuck this dumb ass pussy ass bitch ass Riven main report gg afk."
by Lifesgambit January 5, 2017
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"The difference between a dog and a penis is that smaller dogs make more groans and big penisu's incite more groans.
by Lifesgambit February 9, 2017
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A term that is used to define only the most obstinate and pigeonheaded people- this should only be used on the internet in a memeish fashion due to the lack of evidence suggesting the existence of real "autist retards."
"Martin Shrekli really educated those autist retards."
by Lifesgambit January 5, 2017
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The very last few steps the bride and groom take in a wedding reception before they can go find a room.
"Did you see Chris as his wedding, he almost creamed before his stairway to heaven!"
by Lifesgambit January 6, 2017
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Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece. Doesn't miss a beat.
"The Godfather is the most brilliant movie ever created."
by Lifesgambit January 5, 2017
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