24 definitions by Libraryguy

When you shave your back, but you leave a little patch of hair, kind of like a tramp stamp.
I got a mangroomer, and I decided to leave The Canadian for the ladies, or maybe gentlemen.
by Libraryguy April 1, 2021
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A reference to Stuff white people like.com. When someone is the perfect example of the people described on that site. Although the site is about white people it mostly refers to urban hipster types
That dude who sits next to me at work is the epitome of so white.
by Libraryguy March 4, 2010
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A reference to Stuff white people like.com. When someone is the perfect example of the people described on that site.
That dude who sits next to me at work is the epitome of so white.
by Libraryguy December 16, 2009
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When someone complains about something, but they are really doing it to brag.
My friend constantly complainabraggs about all the guys that ask her out.
by Libraryguy September 26, 2012
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Radcliffe was feeling kind of down, but he went out that night and was able to rescrewvenate
by Libraryguy August 30, 2013
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Name for the first decade of the 2000's. Can also be referred to as the 0's
Now that the 00's are over we are going start seeing a lot of top 10 lists for the decade
by Libraryguy February 22, 2010
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