51 definitions by LiberaceHudson

Curvy in today's world means a woman who is gratuitously obese. In the old days, it meant a woman whose body went in at the waist and out at the hips and denoted a fine looking woman who magnified her femininity out into the world.
Beth is so large that there is no longer a dress size in which she can fit. She has taken now to wearing floor to ceiling length curtains. It's 2017 and she is a curvy woman.
by LiberaceHudson October 10, 2017
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A kazoo is a small, simple musical instrument consisting of a hollow pipe with a hole in it, over which is a thin covering that vibrates and adds a buzzing sound when the player sings or hums into the pipe.
Kenny had to admit that he was musically talentless. Even the Autoharp was beyond his limited capabilities. He knew then he had to persevere with the kazoo because it was his last chance to impress the ladies and perhaps lose his virginity before his 52nd birthday.
by LiberaceHudson September 24, 2017
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Code 8 is the term given on a tannoy system to alert the store manager and assistant manager (if he's on duty) to the presence of a very hot woman in the store. Not to be confused with a Code 19 (otherwise known as Dragonwatch) which is an ugly woman. As you can imagine, Code 19's supersede Code 8's by a significant amount.
Debbie walked into the store. Her ass was magnificent and looked great in her denim cut-off shorts. her tits were heavenly and she moved like she'd just been on the receiving end of an almighty walloping. In fact, maybe the walloping to end all wallopings. She was sex on a stick and the employees knew it. Shireen the sweaty fat bird hated her. Harry quickly dialled up a Code 8 on the tannoy phone and in a matter of seconds Robert the store manager was pretending to adjust the shelves in the aisle Debbie was standing in. Ever the professional he asked if there was anything he could assist her with. Debbie said that she was fine but thanked him all the same. She made no mention of the soldier standing to attention in his pants.
by LiberaceHudson September 24, 2017
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The belief that Morgan Freeman is in actual fact the late and great guitarist, Jimi Hendrix.
"I don't care what you say, Morgan Freeman is actually Jimi Hendrix and it's all one big cover up."
"You're a fucking loony. No way is Morgan Hendrix. That's just crazy talk."
by LiberaceHudson September 24, 2017
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The one thing that even the kindest, most supportive and open-minded woman will not look past when dating a man.
(Woman talking with her best friend).

"I feel really shallow Lisa because he was such a good, kind man. He was great with my kids, with animals. He stood for all the right things. He had a great sense of humour. He was intelligent, he spoke several languages and I felt totally comfortable in his presence. Even my parents loved him and they are normally very icy with my prospective partners. He had a great body and clearly worked out so why couldn't I look past his horrendous dick cheese? I mean I feel like a total bitch."
by LiberaceHudson September 23, 2017
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The term given to any large woman who puts out like she's sexually available but is, in reality, either a prick-tease or a frigid bitch.
Wendy waddled down the local bar in her denim shorts which threatened to be torn asunder by her enormous size and her neon pink boob tube. She flirted with all the guys but when it came down to it, she cock-blocked them all even though she was instigating all the flirtations herself. She took her not inconsiderable heft home alone again, the old dry goods wagon she was turning out to be.
by LiberaceHudson October 10, 2017
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When a fart sounds as if it will be a simple affair however it comes out in a totally different manner entirely alternating between loud and rasping to a tiny squeaky whisper before becoming a full-on cacophonous row once more.
Myra lifted a cheek to slide out a subtle fart in the restaurant but was met with shocked and stunned silence when instead a fart salad tore out from her ringpiece instead. The smell was highly repellent as well. She paid up and left very quickly and never returned, such was her embarrassment level.
by LiberaceHudson September 3, 2017
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