6 definitions by Li'l Scotty

A person that is high maintenance, not from a financial viewpoint, but from an unacceptable demand on your time. Most often a client that requires an inordinate amount of hand-holding, explanations, or wooing.
I had to back away from that time sink. She was already into me for 8 hours before I wrote even one line of code.
by Li'l Scotty March 24, 2007
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British slang for "insane". Derived from "certifiably insane".
The evil genius villains in James Bond movies appear to be highly intelligent when, in actuality, they are certifiable.
by Li'l Scotty October 8, 2005
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Guido wants 50% weekly for the fig!
by Li'l Scotty September 10, 2005
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The burning sensation around your butthole when you take an urgent dump (or five) the next morning following a night of way too much tequila and lots of spicy salsa on yer appetizers.
From the bathroom: "Aaarrrggggggggg - ooowwwwwww!!!"
Friend #1: "What in the name of all that is holy was THAT??!"
Friend #2: "Rinaldo did a few too many shots of tequila and ate a few too many street tacos last night: Ring of Fire!"
Friend #1: "Ouch!"
Friend #2: "Amen."
by Li'l Scotty May 3, 2010
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the origin of "bee's knees". It is a slang homophone for "business" started around the Roaring '20s. Saying something was the business meant it was the real deal and of high quality. See business definition #4, #9, #12, etc.: "top quality. a perfect 10. met to standard."
Dude, that kickflip you just did was bee's knees.
Dude, that kickflip you just did was business.
same deal.
by Li'l Scotty July 18, 2011
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In China, there is a famous word "color wolf" to describe someone who is lustful. The word "goat" would probably be the nearest English translation. The predatory nature of the wolf is implied.
New female Chinese immigrant dressed like a slut: "You no look at me like that! You are color wolf!"
by Li'l Scotty February 24, 2012
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