1 definition by LeviathanTS

Depression is often taken lightly, which often just makes someone who is suffering from it feel worse

The true weight of depression

Depression removes all of your interest in what you used to love, you gain no enjoyment from anything, this makes you feel sad, as you remember the time when you could enjoy stuff

Music just makes you reflect on life, making you feel worse

You feel that any food is wasted on you, or you eat too much, because you don't care about appearance

You can laugh but, something is missing, laughing doesn't make you feel good

You tend to sleep inconsistently, in fact I'm writing this now-- at 4:00am, I'll probably wake up at 3:00pm, another day wasted

You don't feel like talking

You have no energy to do anything

You are often alone, wondering the meaning of life

You feel insignificant

The worst part of depression in my opinion is not knowing what caused it and not knowing if you will get better

If someone tells you that they have depression, you must take it seriously, they really need your help

People do care about you, no matter what you think

There is hope, for an entire week, I enjoyed everything I used to, I couldn't stop smiling, it was the best feeling in the world, and after feeling that, I know it is possible to kick depression and live life

And If you have depression, I hope that you will try to get better, its not a case of not getting better, you just have to try
Person 1: Hi, How are you?
Person 2: I'm... okay, you?
Person 1: I'm good, but I can't tell that you're not, is something up?
Person 2: Well recently... I've been suffering from depression...
Person 1: ah, ok it sounded like something awful happened, don't worry it will pass
Person 1: We all have bad days
Person 2: *leaves chat, feeling like no one cares, and that no one understands them*

Depression is not something people can just snap out of, it holds on to someone tightly and is difficult to break free from
When talking to someone with major depression, you should treat it as if they were terminally ill, its often not too different if they are without hope
by LeviathanTS August 5, 2015
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