10 definitions by Lesley

Derived from teh cult classic Napoleon Dynamite. Variant of PO'd but it means ticked off.
11 year old A- dude i was so fricking angry
11 year old B- oh my gosh!
11 year old A- he made fun of my sweaterfest, i was like " GO TO H - E DOUBLE HOCKEYSTICKS!!!!!"
11 year old B- GASP!!!
11 year old A- I know right? I was so TO'd
by Lesley February 21, 2005
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the most ill

a person that makes you sick
donnie, you are the illest person I know
by Lesley July 3, 2004
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Another way of saying "the f word"
Fajooble my toeee! OUCH!
by Lesley November 21, 2003
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Telling some one to calm down or to chill
listen yo, kick back.
by Lesley June 26, 2004
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To take care of oneself, especially if one is partying or drinking

Don't drive if your too drunk, have someone else take you home.
by Lesley June 26, 2004
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Jordan's an American?..Shit we all better get to Africa
by Lesley March 24, 2004
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