26 definitions by Leroy Brown 420

{noun} Short form of vapourizer (vaporizer {US}, vapouriser {UK}). A device that heats a substance (primarily cannabis) to the point that all desired chemical components of that substance are in a gaseous state, so that they may be inhaled.

{verb} vape, vaping, vaped
Ex. I would have bought a vapo by now, but the ones worth owning are too expensive.

Ex. If my physician knew what a vapo was, she'd tell me to use one so I don't get lung cancer.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 4, 2009
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A derogatory nickname for the Pepsi-owned fast food chain, Taco Bell; inspired by the repulsive, cheese-like scent of the fungus (Candida albicans) which flourishes under the foreskin of an unkempt, uncircumcised penis (and in the vagina of women with yeast infections).
Fuck that, I'm not eating at Cockmold Smell - I'd rather fuck your Canesten-using mom.
by Leroy Brown 420 January 30, 2009
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1. describes a substance capable of causing harm or death, biochemically, to an organism or the environment

2. imparting a bad influence on something; potentially fatal

2. in the near future, as a result of this UD definition, the new it word for cool.
1. Hydrochloric acid is a toxic chemical.

2. Religious fundamentalism is toxic to the human race.

3. Dude, that's a sick fuckin' shirt - it's so sick it's toxic!
by Leroy Brown 420 February 4, 2009
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A term used to describe the phenomenon that occurs when 2 people with entirely different or opposing worldviews humour each other and pretend to be friends. Derived from the wildly successful and prolific "Get a Mac" advertising campaign by Apple, in which John Hodgman and Justin Long play personified versions of a personal computer and a Macintosh computer.
1) Atheist: I totally had to Mac/PC it last night; we had our new neighbors over for dinner and it turns out they're devout Jehovah's Witnesses.

2) Pothead: I went for my job interview today, and my potential new boss mentioned he hates marijuana users. Guess I'll have to Mac/PC it if I get the job!
by Leroy Brown 420 January 31, 2009
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1. A term which describes a marijuana cigarette that is significantly larger than one would normally smoke; specific to the use of white, clear, or other cigarette rolling papers, so as to distinguish from a blunt. Origin: unknown.

2., 3., 4., 5., etc. See the other 5000 lame definitions for this word that myself and everyone I know use exclusively for describing a big joint.
1. Stoner One: Dude, I just killed this stock-broker looking dude on the sidewalk by stabbing him in the neck! It sliced his artery and blood sprayed everywhere, drenching myself and passers-by. So I ran off to go clean up at place where no one would notice - DickDonald's. It was pretty sweet, 'cause I was hungry so I grabbed a couple Big Mac's after blocking the bathroom door and deflecting the water in the sink so it sprayed everywhere, allowing me to have a make-shift shower. Anyway, that's not what I'm excited about. I took his wallet, and there's $900 bucks in it! Let's go grab an ounce and smoke gunners all night! Then we can get some hookers!

Stoner Two: Fucking awesome!

Stoner One: You know, this killing-people-and-taking-their-shit thing is pretty cool. I could get used to it.

2. Julie the kindergarten teacher likes to smoke regular sized joints after work throughout the week, but on the weekends she quietly enjoys a gunner while working on crossword puzzles.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 1, 2009
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{verb} Describes a pitiful male's autoerotic process of pouring Listerine on one's hand and/or penis before/during masturbation, usually not because of penile desensitization, but because the male is trying to simulate a listerjob.
(listerbated, listerbating, {noun} listerbation)
I decided to listerbate last night, but it burned like hell and my johnson got all sticky. Also, I spilled Listerine on my mattress, which now smells permanently like gargling.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 1, 2009
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1. Presumably, the leader of the terrifying female bird-monsters of Greek mythology.

2. Ann Coulter.
I loathe Ann Coulter; she truly is the Queen of the Harpies. In all honesty though, I'd probably do her. Even though she's a cold blooded slanderous whore, she's still pretty hot and it would be a wicked hatefuck.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 4, 2009
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