25 definitions by Len Bakerloo

IMHO IYHO is a game that two people can play through any texting medium.

It is role-playing game for two people who play as the Egotist (E) and the Satirist (S).

The Egotist initiates play by typing:

's1' IMHO

where 's1' is a statement that is anything but humble.

The Satirist responds with


Where s2 seems like a compliment to E because he is an Egotist, but is in fact a small work of satire.

Anyone can issue a call to play IMHO IYHO by simply ending a message with IMHO. They can even issue the invitation without knowing it and when the Satirist responds with a IYHO they are off to the races even if the player issuing the invitation has no idea what is going on.


1) IMHO = In My Humble Opinion and IYHO = In Your Humble Opinion. I have to tell you this because you're too lazy to look it up, IMHO.

2) You can issue a call for someone to play as an egotist by simply sending IMHO with no s1. This is called a "null IMHO" and it the equivalent of saying, "I have a great knock-knock joke. Start it off."

3) The game is pronounced "I'm ho, Eww ho." A player is referred to as a ho and two of them are "a pair of hos."
Trump: I would have to give myself an A+ when it comes to the bigness of my IQ quotient, IMHO.

Adams: IYHO there is no question you deserve to win in November since your smarts is the biggerest.

Trump: You should write a book about how bigly I'll win, IMHO.

Adams: IYHO a satirist should write a book about how great you. Good idea. Anyway, I've enjoyed playing IMHO IYHO with you.

Trump: So, you saw me with that pair of hos on TV. I agree, those hos were so eww; I've been with 10 times better, IMHO.
by Len Bakerloo June 26, 2019
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When you cc all your friends on an email asking a simple question in the subject line and it sets off a mass of useless comments and comments on comments ad infinitum of no use in answering the question.
I asked Google "What does it mean to be an American" and Google's number one answer was an essay by a 10-year-old who doesn't know anything about citizenship and perhaps couldn't find the USA is on the globe, all because somebody who ran a contest for kids hired an SEO expert. So I sent an email to all my friends "How do we get Google to do its fucking job?" and that set off a chit-chat-storm, but nobody had a fucking idea of how to get Google to do its fucking job.
by Len Bakerloo December 8, 2019
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To eat ridiculously expensive trendy snacks with no nutritional value that look like they taste bad but are actually delicious (albeit just as unhealthy as breaded Twinkies deep fried in lard). Practiced mostly by the wealthy, highly paid Unix programmers and college students burning through student loans.

Gnnosh is a recursive acronym for: “Gnnosh's Not Nosh.”
My student loan came through so for $18 I'll upgrade the fries and gnnosh on the deep fried Peruvian Rain Forest Yucca Chips with Pink Hawaiian Sea Salt.
by Len Bakerloo May 29, 2018
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Also To Be Known As -- something that isn't yet known as something but will be again. When pronounced it sounds Arabic, but it isn't.
That weird squiggly graphic that was previously known as Prince will atbka Prince again.
by Len Bakerloo December 8, 2019
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A process of making something stupid because that is what Google says it is.

For Example: If you put “Reductio ad Absurdum” into Google Translate it detects the language as Latin, and translates it to English as: “Reductio ad Absurdum.”

Another Example: For years (through May 29, 2018 at least) if you ask Google "What does it mean to be an American?" it responds with this as the first answer (in a box even):

"It means that I can say "The Pledge of Allegiance" and that I can vote for the President, my county clerk, and the Mayor. But to me it means most of all to be free and to be proud that I live in the United States of America here in Wisconsin."

Dig deeper and you'll find it is written by an 10-year-old who, in addition to thinking that the U. S. is in Wisconsin, does not know that to be an American means she is free to NOT say the pledge and that she has 10 years to go before she can vote.

Thank you Google for establishing a 10-year-old as the #1 expert on what it means to be a patriot. Way to go.
If we're going to Make America Great Again we've got to stop all this Reductio ad Absurdum going on.
by Len Bakerloo May 30, 2018
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A perspective perpetrated by a perp that is entirely speculative.
Donald Trump is entirely entitled to his perpspective regarding the stealing of the election.
by Len Bakerloo February 9, 2023
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Two single word (or 64 binary digits) capable of expressing numbers as large as 1.7 E 308, which is 1 E 206 times the number of atoms in the known universe. (1.7 E 308 means 1.7 times 10 raised to the 308th power.)
Why did the system crash? After we got sued for coding gender as binary we decided to use double word floats instead. That worked in beta test in New York but when we brought California on-line the whole thing crashed.
by Len Bakerloo June 17, 2018
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