25 definitions by Len Bakerloo

3 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Diströya Spirits
1/2 Ice Cube

You order a double by indicating you want a whole ice cube. Scale appropriately (e.g., if ordered with two ice cubes, scale by four). Illegal in most states.
First Person: I'll have a Sam Adams and my friend will have a Lucky Destroyer with one ice cube.
Second Person: Ooooh, that sounds interesting, but I want three ice cubes. Why is it called that?
Barman: Because one of you is going to get lucky and the other is going to get destroyed.
Second Person: Well, let's stop after this one drink.
First Person: That was the plan.
by Len Bakerloo March 20, 2017
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prox· i· mate | \ˈpräk-sə-mət \ 1) A person you mate with who is close to you by kinship or in some other way. 2) A person who mates with you on behalf of another, i.e. a proxy mate.
Jack: Hey, are you and your second cousin still fuck buddies?
John: No. She moved to California, but she sent me Jill as her proximate, and she's awesome.
Mike Pence is Donald Trump's kochsucker proximate for the one percenters.
by Len Bakerloo December 22, 2018
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E - means “everything” or more specifically, “Assume I’ve just told you everything you could possibly learn about me by other means and there is nothing more I might want to say.” The shortest possible conversation starter and ender. Saves considerable time and it deserves to be widely adopted.

Entomology: Before there was texting there was telegraphy. To save time, Morse code operators created abbreviations. For example: CQ means “Does anyone want to talk to me,” DE means “From,” OP means “operator,” QTH means “my location is,” and K means “over” (your turn to transmit).

In Morse a “dot” is three times as long as a “dash.” The shortest letter is “E” which is a single dot. The number 0 is “_ _ _ _ _”, 9 is “_ _ _ _ .” and 1 is “. _ _ _ _” so if a number was expected in context, then “cut letters” were substituted. For example Zero became “T” (a single dash), 9 became N (_ .) and 1 became. The area code 901 could be sent as NTA.
Before the internet, a Morse code conversation between two amateur radio operators might go like this:

CQ DE WB6ACU K (WB6ACU wants to see if anyone wants to talk to him)
WB6ACU DE N6YOS K (N6YOS says she would like to. This is followed by a preliminary exchange of names and locations before much else is said.)

But now with the internet, you can google any call sign and learn everything there is to know about anyone, so a more efficient way communicating goes like this:


… at this point both operators are free to see if anyone else wants to talk to them...
by Len Bakerloo November 8, 2019
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An extremely politically correct variant of "person" introduced as an alternative to the use of "perdaughter" to appease women and because "person and/or perdaughter and/or other" is both cumbersome and offensive to the non-binary.
Person A: Honey, the postman just delivered the mail.

Perchild B: Two years ago we were told that the proper term is "postperson" because it was determined that the "postman" is offensive to women. Last year regulators realized that "person" is offencive to daughters so now must use "postperchild" otherwise we won't get any mail.

Person A: May I refer to him as Fred.

Perchild B: No. That is offensive to all people not named Fred.

Person A: But his name is Fred.

Perchild B: That's irrelevant. And, if you ever call me "honey" again I'm going to divorce you.
by Len Bakerloo January 8, 2019
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The sole reason Burning Man exists.
Skybird: Didn't we meet last year at the Orgy Dome at Burning Man? Sunflower: I've never been to the Orgy Dome. Skybird: Neither have I. It must have been two other people.
by Len Bakerloo June 14, 2018
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Being given a name at birth (or adopting one later) that is not normally associated with the societally recognized gender you were born with (or choose later).
Johnny Cash wrote a song about a transnamed cisgendered Boy Named Sue.
by Len Bakerloo December 16, 2018
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IMHO IYHO is a game that two people can play through any texting medium.

It is role-playing game for two people who play as the Egotist (E) and the Satirist (S).

The Egotist initiates play by typing:

's1' IMHO

where 's1' is a statement that is anything but humble.

The Satirist responds with


Where s2 seems like a compliment to E because he is an Egotist, but is in fact a small work of satire.

Anyone can issue a call to play IMHO IYHO by simply ending a message with IMHO. They can even issue the invitation without knowing it and when the Satirist responds with a IYHO they are off to the races even if the player issuing the invitation has no idea what is going on.


1) IMHO = In My Humble Opinion and IYHO = In Your Humble Opinion. I have to tell you this because you're too lazy to look it up, IMHO.

2) You can issue a call for someone to play as an egotist by simply sending IMHO with no s1. This is called a "null IMHO" and it the equivalent of saying, "I have a great knock-knock joke. Start it off."

3) The game is pronounced "I'm ho, Eww ho." A player is referred to as a ho and two of them are "a pair of hos."
Trump: I would have to give myself an A+ when it comes to the bigness of my IQ quotient, IMHO.

Adams: IYHO there is no question you deserve to win in November since your smarts is the biggerest.

Trump: You should write a book about how bigly I'll win, IMHO.

Adams: IYHO a satirist should write a book about how great you. Good idea. Anyway, I've enjoyed playing IMHO IYHO with you.

Trump: So, you saw me with that pair of hos on TV. I agree, those hos were so eww; I've been with 10 times better, IMHO.
by Len Bakerloo June 26, 2019
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