46 definitions by LemonySnickets

A homosexual male who is very into performing oral sex. Usually associated with the person being needy or insecure.
My new boyfriend is such a lolly guy I don't know how to deal with it.
by LemonySnickets May 31, 2017
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Someone who is mistakes memes or other elements of internet culture for reality
Politician 1: I think we should fix the economy
Politician 2: Ok boomer
Politician 1: I'm 25 you iSpastic
by LemonySnickets December 17, 2019
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To be chronically lazy & sluggish. When one is proud of their long term laziness.
Person 1: Come on lazy bones, get out of bed it's passed midday
Person 2: Slug Life bro
by LemonySnickets April 20, 2018
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The act of putting your desire to have sexual interaction with someone over top of survival instinct. This can manifest in both genders as undertaking extremely dangerous, stupid or embarrassing acts.

Regularly seen in cinema where characters either do something illogical in order to impress another character or two characters ignore the dangers around them to have a romantic moment.
Person 1: "Dude, why did he run back into the collapsing building he just escaped from?
Person 2: "Hot chick is still inside. The Power of boners"
by LemonySnickets December 19, 2018
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A person on the internet, usually a social media platform, who is addicted to the endorphin hit received from being outraged. Outrage junkies often invent or find trivial things to be outraged over in order to get their fix.
This outrage junky on twitter was making death threats at me because I wore a woollen sweater in a photo
by LemonySnickets March 20, 2020
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