55 definitions by Leif

Has a big dick, with a loving heart that’s full of joy
Damn kyleif here you go again
by Leif November 23, 2021
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A TLA for Fine Tobacco Product - what you see on cigarette packages. Can be used as a noun or a verb. Can also mean a cigarette break.
Keith: Hey dude, can I bum an FTP.

Wende: Let's go FTP!

Greg: Hey EO, almost ready for that meeting?
EO: Sure, right after Java, PP, FTP.
(Coffee, urinate, ciggy break).
by Leif April 8, 2005
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1. Poor spelling of a word meaning joint (doobie) - influenced by college hijinx.

2. Dude who happens to show up when the bong fires up, but never buys a bag.
1. Hand me a dubie, i'm too poor to afford two "o"s.

2. Man, dubie must have a nose that can smell this skunk a mile away. Here comes dubie.
by Leif February 18, 2005
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To emaul a person is to send them a gazillion emails, even though all that could get done in one 3 minute phone call. It could also happen when someone just has to forward every stupid stinking chain letter "Please send this for good luck" "Somebody loves you" "Bill Gates will send you a check! I know it's true, My brother's cousin's roomate's ex boyfreind's mother-in-law's nephew works for Microsoft" Dreck.
Since Maria didn't have IM at work, she and Jen were emauling each other all day long.

If somebody emauls me one more time about my relatives that crashed in Nigeria, I'm gonna have to deep six them.
by Leif April 12, 2005
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Fake Russian word for VD. Used to make fun of people that like Russian Mail-order bribes.
Q: What's the Russian word for VD?
A: Rotcherkokov

I met this gal in Russia after browsing a mail-order bride site, but after I banged her, I got a bad case of rotcherkokov.
by Leif April 19, 2005
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One of the side effects of having your wife watch enough Star Wars - it's an offshoot of the Jedi Mind Trick. A wife performs the Jedi wife trick, by simply saying something to her husband that causes her husband to do her will. It's sometimes accompanied with the hand motion that Obi Wan used on the Storm Troopers in Episode IV.
Husband: My buddies and I are going to go shoot some pool over at Pool Hall X.
Wife: (with hand motion) You do not want to go out with your buddies.
Husband: I do not want to go out with my buddies.
Wife: You do not want to play pool.
Husband: I do not want to play pool.
Wife: These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Husband: These aren't the droids we're looking for.
Wife: You want to clean the kitchen.
Husband: I want to clean the kitchen.

Husband calls one of the buddies.
Husband: Sorry, I think I'd rather clean the kitchen and not play pool tonight.
Buddy: Damn, your wife pulled the Jedi wife trick again.
Buddy 2:(In background) That woman's a Jedi master.
by Leif June 27, 2005
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What happens to you when you start nodding off and then you jerk your head back suddenly. Happens a lot when staying on the computer too long. Very dangerous if driving.
If you didn't get enough sleep, and you're driving, please pull over at the first instance of naplash. If possible, get coffee or walk around, or take a proper nap.

I was trying to play SWG the other night, but one of the people in our group kept disconnectin, and I started sufferin naplash.
by Leif April 7, 2005
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