2 definitions by Lealah

Usually when one hurts ones self or fails at something. Pretty much when something just sucks like a bitch...
*walking through hallway casually minding ones buisness*
*stubs toe*

'so man i was doing a test today and i totally flunked'
'ohh...what a bitchsuck :/'

by Lealah April 7, 2009
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A girl who looks like your average every day diva/girly girl/barbie/sweetheart but secretly reads long novels, plays video games, spends half her life on the computer.Possibly wears glasses and dyes her hair blonde and may be seen hiding in the library shelves.
'dude did you see that chick...she had a book wtf?'
'man..thats your typical Secret nerd girl'
'yuh...i heard she likes video games and can kick ass'
by Lealah April 7, 2009
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