64 definitions by Leah

An escape from life, like (see weed). When you get back, the problems of life hit you in the face like a brick.
mother: why are you on those games so much?
son: Everything else sucks.
by Leah March 30, 2005
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A way to escape, like (see weed). The problems of life slip away, but once reality is back, they hit you in the face like a brick.
mother: why are you on those games all of the time?
son: everything else sucks.
by Leah March 30, 2005
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somebody who is well known.
usually called bitchy/nasty/slaggy. but usually actually a nice person.
people often think just because somebodys popular they will end up being a looser the rest of their lives.
given a lot of respect to their face, but behind their backs often slagged off.
geek: "look at that popular person, shes just guna end up workin in mc donalds"
by Leah December 6, 2003
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The third derivative of a Cactus Shadows High School Football/Calculus god, with the ability to concoct magic.
"Holy fuck! Marambo is taking on pedestrians with the golf cart again!"

Marando: "Don't make me go Marambo on your arse."
by Leah November 26, 2003
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Big heavy boots, usually combat-type, but occasionally DMs or similar; sometimes steel reinforced, often worn to intimidate others. Usually seen on rivethead types, both male and female.
She always wears her shitkickers when she goes downtown so the guys won't try to hit on her.
by Leah May 21, 2004
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