38 definitions by LeX

a hugeass party that fucking rocks.
person1: "hey you going to mikes ultrafest?"
person2: "hell yeah.. i wouldnt miss that party for anything"
by LeX February 11, 2005
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Zooney (adj.) american/welsh/scottish
The word used to describe the fictional romance of actress Catherine ZETA jones and actor George CLOONEY.
"I'm going to write a Zooney fan fic"
by LeX April 12, 2005
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A cool, shexy way of saying "hot". Made famous by Paris Hilton
"Simon Cowell is hawt."
by LeX May 25, 2005
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1. what's going on. (confrontation sense)
2. in terms of fighting or a confrontation.
Ex : yo what the beef?

Ex : Nah man I got history, I don't like this cat.
by LeX October 6, 2004
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A boisterous or adventurous girl, having scant regard for the traditional "feminine" stereotype: a tomboy.
That young rumpscuttle plays rugby for Runcorn.
by LeX June 29, 2005
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when you want someone to get the heck out of your life and to go away
"Aotch! I hate you!"

when someone by the name of tom or tyler ask you to go to the movies you say this word
by LeX February 3, 2005
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An homosexual ; a man who engages as the active partner in anal sex with another man. From "jobby" (faecal solid) + "jab" (to prong or spear). It should be noted that some may consider this term offensive - it is favoured by homophobes due to its low potential for "re-appropriation" by the homosexual community (see example).
Gay Pride celebration ; Queer Pride celebration ; Jobby-jabber Pride celebration.
by LeX November 25, 2004
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