5 definitions by LeDuh

A day that somehow went from the birth of christ to a day where a fat man in a red suit goes down your chimmney and leaves things under a tree that you have for some reason placed in your house. If you are good you get a gift, and if your 'naughty' you get a lump of coal, which really is a fire hazard come to think of it. Also a day where children throw tantrums because they did not recieve the pony they just HAD to have.
Little Becky didn't get her pony from the fat man in the red suit on christmas, so she vowed to make sure there was a big fire in the fireplace next year.
by LeDuh November 1, 2006
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A man who is trying to create evil minions by brainwashing they via myspace. Why exactly he needs millions of minions I havn't exactly figured out. If you have a myspace delete tom before its too late!
Tom might be using his minions to kill xanga, blogspot, and other such sited.
by LeDuh November 5, 2006
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A dance, mostly done at shows that consists of jumping up and down. Started by Sid Vicious when he was at a Sex Pistols show (before he was in the band) because he couldn't see properly.
Poser- ii lyk...iiNVENTED the pogo!!111!

Smart person-Actually Sid Vicious did you dumb fuck
by LeDuh July 16, 2006
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A dance, mostly done at shows that consists of jumping up and down. Started by Sid Vicious when he was at a Sex Pistols show (before he was in the band) because he couldn't see properly.
dumbass-ii lyk iinvented teh pogo!!111!

Smart person-Why are you even at a show?
by LeDuh July 17, 2006
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A song by Nirvana, written by Kurt Cobain. The litiral meaning of it for him was he got so drunk/stoned he would wake up to see someone was having sex with him, and he'd fall back asleep. The non-litiral meaning was someone had taken away his dignity and power.
You can see the original drafts for Rape Me and the video concept in Journals.
by LeDuh November 5, 2006
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