17 definitions by Le Mans

A semi-automatic pistol that rarley jammed. It's magazine was stationed in the front. It was also know as the broom handle. The C-96 was first used in combat during 1916 in World War I by officers of the German Cavalry.
Mauser C-96

1. M-1916
2. The Broom Handle
3. The world's strangest and biggest semi-automatic pistol.
by Le Mans July 25, 2005
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The Army of France. The army has experenced The American Revolution,The French Revolution, the war of 1812, The Crimean War, the Franco-Prussian war, World War I, World war II, Operation Desert Storm, operation induring freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom

During World war I the French Army was underdisiplined and it lead to mutinies and desertions
During World War I the French deserted, and mutinied against their commanding officers.

The French Army had zouvaes from Algeria, and troops from overseas.

Also the french changed uniforms druing World War I from the blue trench coat and blazer and red dress pants to all blue uniform. Their service caps looks like baseball caps
by Le Mans July 2, 2005
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Gregory Rasputin

Died:December 31, 1916
Cause of Death: multiple causes

Gregory Rasputin was an Eastern Orthodox monk from Siberia. He was unwashed, unclean, and unshaven. Rasputin was a carousing womaniser and monk with a 13 inch schlong. He developed close ties to the czar and his family and heeled czarovich Alexi's heamophila. His sexual appitite aroused all the women close to the czar but alienated all the czars relatives. One of the relatives prince Felix, conspired to kill Rasputin on December 31, 1916, New Year's Eve for being a bad influence on the Czar during World War I. He and other conspiritors poisioned all of Rasputin's food and wine with cyanide. One of the conspiritors dressed like a gypsy woman for the party. Rasputin swallowed enough poison to kill four horses. He was shot several times, stabbed, strangled, assaulted, castrated, and he was drowned in the Neva river in St. Petersburg. Three days later Rasputin was dead. Rasputin's murder was a death sentence for Czar Nicholas II and his family. Czar Nicholas II and his family was shot and murdered in 1918 in a Red Russian occupied middle class home.

Theory of Rasputin's life span: I beleve that the reason why Rasputin survived murder attempt arter murder attempt was that he had a bio-chemical in his system that kept him alive.
by Le Mans July 18, 2005
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The feminine version of Special Ed from Crank Yankers. She appeared in the episode of 'The other cousin' on Drawn Together on Comedy Central.
Bleh is Princess Clara's other cousin.
by Le Mans July 8, 2005
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An illegal drug that is like heroin and alcohol put together. This durg was develpoed in the early 1900. Barbiturates has street names such as reds and yellows.
1.Barbiturates is like heavy drinking but you get a more sluggish feeling.

2.Kicking a barbiturates habbit is like nothing you kicked. With heroin, you vomit, your stomach cramps up, you can't eat or sleep. With barbituates you get these and more. You go in convultions. You can feel a strain on your body with you kick a Barbiturate habit
by Le Mans June 21, 2005
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The cap that German enlisted men wore with their uniforms during World War I and World War I. It looks like a skull cap that muslims wear, but the cap is flat, and cylender in shape.

On the contray, the saxton cap is like the service cap that the NCO's and commissioned officers wore.
German Army quartermaster private:'in German' here is your saxton cap with your uniform.

German Recruit:'in german' thank you sir
by Le Mans July 2, 2005
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A pimp who has all the ho's, dresses flashy, and who owns an Italian villa or French chateau in the suburbs or in the country. They also drive cars of Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Lincoln, Crysler, Cadilac, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz.
Snoop Dogg, Method Man, Redman, and Don Juan are the mack pimps dawg
by Le Mans July 7, 2005
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