30 definitions by Lazarus Ciccone

Description of a party/club/event that was hype, dope, phat or sick. Also can describe a bass line or actions to it.
1. "Yo that party was bumpin'"

2. "I don't dance at clubs. Only girls and guys with big gay bones do that. I just chill on the edge of the dance floor, bumpin'."

3. "Giovanni got a new subwoofer in his IROC. You can hear it bumpin' from a block away."
by Lazarus Ciccone January 11, 2005
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1. An ugly, moronically designed Ford product introduced in the '70s which was prone to explosions (and killed a few people) thanks to the gas tank being positioned directly behind the back bumper.

2. A Brazillian term for "small cock".
1. "Tony's Pinto got rear-ended dude - it was engulfed in flames within two minutes"

2. "I heard Rivaldo had a pinto, so I fucked his wife over and over again until she looked like she was seeing God"
by Lazarus Ciccone April 18, 2004
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