7 definitions by Layla

A new Facebook application that is just a step away from being a Myspace tracking device for people to see who is viewing their profile. The only difference is that the viewer must first acknowledge that they're being tracked before it will track them and display visits to the Trakzor viewing audience and profile holder.
Girl #1: These crazy Facebook applications are getting way out of hand.
Girl #2: I know, and Trakzor is on the verge of being Facebook's Big Brother. It's just creepy.

Guy #1: Dude, I just went onto Kayla's profile and clicked the new Trakzor application. What's the point of it anyway?
Guy #2: It tracks people who visit her profile. Now she's gonna know that somebody from outside of her network is Facebook stalking her.
Guy# #1: Damn, she's probably gonna block me and I won't be able to see her hot pictures!
by Layla June 1, 2007
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- I think we should call it for tonight
- Yeah, ok. I see you tomorrow
- Bye and thanks for this evening
by Layla February 10, 2014
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def1) Led Zeplin fan
def2) Led Zeplin ~groupie~
def3) Spastic brazilian named Mccoy
by Layla December 28, 2004
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i sevendruple heart them
by Layla February 25, 2004
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That boy is sooooo noncy
by Layla January 5, 2004
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An overpriced, overrated, undersized clothing store that clearly doesn't realize that the purpose of catalog models is to model the clothing being retailed, not to exploit and degrade men and women to merely sexual objects by means of covertly distributed porn in the pages of A&F catalogs .....or the models don't wear any clothing in the shoots because they realize they could either never afford or fit into that being advertised.
adolescent boy1: Let's go sneak some of my brother's porn.
adolescent boy2: No need, my sister's A&F catalog just came in the mail.

guy: Didn't that chick who was in playboy once model for A&F?
girl: Yeah, but she didn't have enough money to buy food because she had to buy their clothes....And when she could eat, she wasn't able to fit into the size -2 clothes.
guy: That's cool. She's a lot hotter now that she doesn't look like a popsicle stick.
by Layla February 4, 2005
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