9 definitions by Law

Fictosexuality is the sexual attraction towards fictional characters.
Guy: hey, do you know Wendy?
Girl: isn't she fictosexual?
Guy: yeah, she has a crush on that guy L from death note
by Law January 1, 2014
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That girl's legs look kablow.Yo that was kablow about jim losing his job.Hey check out this kablow game i got. Man i look so kablow.
by Law July 12, 2003
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A 1337 Person, Was Born 1337 and Always 1337. A nazi, dreaming of taking over the world and burning his enemies in Auschwitz. Likes playing video games on his uber computer.
Look its the famous Entram!
by Law October 29, 2004
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The art of being heavily intoicated - past the point of being mashup
Rah! That geezer's bishup!!
by Law July 10, 2004
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two niggas who grow up together like brothers and nobody can break them apart like a gang with only two niggas
Law and Duke are in a family gang 2deep
by Law February 20, 2005
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I got well blackup off that draw last night...
by Law July 10, 2004
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