10 definitions by Lavenders_Llama

Your grandma's grandmother. It's a family member in your family tree that you'll see at a family reunion, and will have no idea who they are. Then they'll go up to you and tell about how they used to change your diapers, and ask if you remember them from when you were a microcell. They get offended when you say no. ✌🏼

Great-Great-Grandmother -> Great-Grandmother -> Grandmother -> Mother -> YOU -> Offspring -> Grandchild -> Great Grandchild -> Ect
"My Great Great Grandmother is so old that she died at 163 years old. I'm happy she finally died."
by Lavenders_Llama March 23, 2021
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QvQ is an emoticon that gacha players and cringey roblox players use only. The Q's resemble eyes and the V resembles a mouth, smiling.
Person 1: I play gacha life and im gonna turn into a demon wolf angel hybrid with my strongest alpha wolf dragon boyfriend!!!

Person 2: Same!! QvQ

Person 3: Epik B)
by Lavenders_Llama January 13, 2021
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1.) An infant. A human between the ages of zero and two.

2.) An insult. Someone who is emotional and childish. Shouldn't get taken seriously.

3.) A pet name. Usually for your child or your significant other. Sometimes people will call strangers who are younger than them "baby", too.
1.) "Mama, I just had my baby! You're a Granny, now! His name is Nick."

2.) "Have you met Sam, yet? She's such a baby. She cried, because her team lost in basketball in 2nd period."

3.) "Hey, Baby, did you have a good day at work today? I sure didn't. Maybe tomorrow."
by Lavenders_Llama April 6, 2021
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Someone who doesn't vaccinate their own children. Wants them to die, because the oils and soaps will "cure them" instead. The parent is usually a Karen.
Boy: "I hate antivaxers."

Girl: "Why? Vaccines kill your kids!!"

Boy: "No, they don't. They help them."

Girl: "I'm calling your manager!"
by Lavenders_Llama March 23, 2021
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1.) When you're being dramatic

2.) When something is gross as hell

3.) When you're a kid playing "baby" and you end everything in "ie"

4.) What gacha kids say
1.) "OMG A FROG!! EWIE :(!!"

2.) "Is that v-vomit?! Ewie.. :("

3.) "Mwe want mwa mwa's milky pwease... Ewie :( her milky gross.."

4.) "OvO hes my daddy and i have abs QnQ and im depressed and havd anxiety UwU and my roblox user is unicornwolfiegachalifeplayer73782 X_X and Ewie :("
by Lavenders_Llama January 13, 2021
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When you teach your children to use the toilet instead of a diaper or pull-up. It's so they don't piss and shit on the floor all day long when they're grown. Most people were trained regardless if they have an actual toilet or not.
Mom: "I'm potty training little Suzie."

Bro: "Well you're bad at it. She pissed on the floor, again."
by Lavenders_Llama March 23, 2021
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It stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Super Straight, Plus". This term was created by the transphobic group of people known as Super Straight (SS). They're people who use their 'sexuality' against trans people while calling them not real women/men. They think that they're in the LGBTQ+ community when really they're just normal straight people who aren't even allies. They actually are in the same group as the MAPs. They're not in the LGBTQ+ community nor will they be or are oppressed. They say this as hate speech.
Girl: "Hey, I'm in LGBTQ+, because I'm bi."

Boy: "Hey, me too! I'm Super Straight. LGBTQSS+ pride, am I right?!"

Girl: "You're transphobic."
by Lavenders_Llama March 23, 2021
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