333 definitions by Lauren

"i love my new purple fishnets- dyu think i look a bit like a prossie?"
by Lauren September 1, 2003
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zonked on tylonol PMs
"i don't remember that plane ride at all, i was P.M.ed out"
by Lauren August 31, 2003
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a word that i made up and soon to become overused. much like that whole electrikk thing.
hes so scene that he is robotikk
by Lauren February 20, 2005
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1. state of being multi-talented
2. of or relating to cute smallness
1. to a person with many talents: "Woah, you're a regular paula abdul!"
2. to a person who is small and cute: "ummm...you're Paula Abdul" ok, so maybe that one is stupid....oh well.
by Lauren March 16, 2004
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to devirginze a girl, causing ehr hymen to break and bleed a little
"hey girl wanna go back to my place and let me pop your cherry?"
by Lauren August 31, 2003
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a person's reaction to being on shrooms, equivalent to getting stoned
I was so gurping off of those shrooms last night.
by Lauren March 24, 2005
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kind of like "...blahblahblah..." if part of a sentence or story isn't important
"she was like, "look i have to tell you something mermfum-bermfum i think you're a total bitch""
by Lauren August 31, 2003
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