204 definitions by Laura

Basically having a wank in your mind..usually over someone sexy...(but doesn't have to be)...just taking the time to picture them in their sexiness.
Can be done by either gender...woo!

*Warning* May be accompanied by Homer Simpson-like drool noises
E.G 1.)
In HMV watching man perving over a poster of Avril Lavigne

Laura:Look at him having a mind wank over Avril

E.G 2.)
Liz and Laura(me)sitting down in Rackhams waiting for Laura C(not me) to try on some clothes

Laura:*insert name* is so fit isn't he?
Liz: Oh,I know yea! he would so get it!
Laura: He's just so gorgeous...I think i need a mind wank now!
Liz: Me too!


Laura: Half naked Kylie on that T.V is putting me off..Dammit!!
Liz: You still having your mind wank?
Laura: Trying to.....Why?
Liz: Because i need a tissue!

*The above examples are purely fictional,as Laura and Liz are not this sad and do more interesting stuff in their free time*
by Laura December 20, 2003
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My favorite girl who I hang out with 24/7.
I can tell her anything and we have fun playing ISS!
by Laura March 8, 2004
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there can be 2 definitions: one negative, the other positive...

1. a girl who has sex but does not enjoy it, who is used by guys and lets them do it. She does not have the self respect to make them stop.

2. a girl who likes sex, so she does it. She probably is not in a relationship, and she equalizes herself to guys by treating sex the same way they do.

The difference between the two examples of what society labels as "sluts" is that one has self respect, the other does not. No one should be called a slut anyway, especially when the name "slut" is a purely judgemental and stereotypical one, and no one really knows the real story behind it all, which is pretty much always the case.
"She has sex...therefore she must be a slut."

I completely disagree with that, but thats how society sees it.
by Laura April 21, 2003
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sadly I to let everyone know that people in utah have said fetch for years. it is annoying and lame. sorry it is a replacement for saying f*ck.
Holy fetch!I forgot my keys!
by Laura March 4, 2005
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hoser equals the american use of idiot.
You're all a bunch of fucking hosers.
by Laura February 12, 2005
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a female, usually from America, with only one breast, located in the middle of the chest
Tom Bowtell's girlfriend has a herb covered central breast
by Laura February 26, 2003
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