27 definitions by Largo

To make someone stop talking without making it seem to obvious.
Jerry: I just pissed in your mums tea!
Tony: Shh!
by Largo November 30, 2003
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His voice can turn into a 12 white year old girl, then into a 30 year old black man in a matter of seconds, Talented bastard

Also resembles gary coleman
by Largo November 24, 2004
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home to oatley campus, possibly the only reason why i will tell people to avoid that area!
Me: Hey look my car is getting stripped of its parts!
Friend: Its ok! You can just buy it all back with heorin
by Largo November 15, 2004
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A common ultra bro attack, it is when a stare is given, usually lasts for several seconds, if the person who is being stared out lacks intelligence and/or maths equations, they suddenly explode, 4 unit students can reflect it by holding up a cross made of 4 unit maths equations
*ultra bro stare*
*general maths student explodes*
*4 unit maths students deflects attack*
*bro explosion*
by Largo December 6, 2004
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Usually form of greeting in the #ozforces channel, I'm still unsure of what it is, but I'll assume its a greeting.

The ops tend to hate it

(Largo) what the hell is cockarello?
* You were kicked by WarT (Bad word (what the hell is cockarello?)! ‹172›)
by Largo December 25, 2003
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Lovely country with great beaches, ladies and of course the occasional alcohol beverage.

Becoming well known to be greatest inventors of all time with inventions such as democracy, maths, science, medicine and other amazing things
racist australian: omg wogs are crap go back to your own country
largo: omg please name your ancestors!
racist australian: oh it goes back to bill who shot people, ted who stole things and good ol' granny who gunned down the police officer for no reason
largo: oh how intruiging, what have your people actually invented
racist australian: how a great land can be given to criminals and turn out shit
largo: i see ....
by Largo December 19, 2003
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the old term given in the mid 90s to lebs
aussie: look at those wallahs!
leb: WHAT! *bash up aussie*
by Largo February 16, 2005
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