1 definition by LandoMetalhead


A Central Florida based band, made up of very young individuals, whom incorporate elements of Thrash, Death, Gothic and Black Metal into their playing. Known for their energetic live shows (including facepaint and various forms of mosh pits) as well as lead singer Dante Glacé's thumping death growls and piercing shrieks frequently complimenting guitarists' Luke Krieg and Matt Malice's screaming solos and blistering riffs, as well as the double bass driven Cam Kill and certifiably insane bassist Kiel Mullet.

Playing numerous shows along the way, they are currently working on their first full length album, which is so far titled False Smile And Black Tears.
what happens when you combine the vilence of Black Metal with the pure badass groove of Death Metal?

This Lost Love, Motherfuckers!
by LandoMetalhead July 20, 2009
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