11 definitions by Lando

what happens when homsar takes over homestar's website.
hey, yo, check out homsarrunner.com, dog.
by Lando July 12, 2003
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Also, it's a site found at www.agnph.com
"OMFG AGNPH is teh awesome"
by Lando February 20, 2005
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that band from the Doug show, remember? They did "I need more allowance" and "Killer Tofu"
by Lando July 12, 2003
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Meaning the direction left <---------
Man: "Dude i'm so lost i think i'll take a roy up here."
Dude: "No man, take a leroy"
by Lando April 5, 2005
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the adj. form of gangleon
that is waay too gangleonic for me.
by Lando July 11, 2003
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a dashing, bold, classy, secret agent, and playboy who foils the evil plans of Dr. Nefario and the International Guild of Evil-Doing. I made it up. I need to get out more.
I want to be just like Ace Danger.
by Lando July 13, 2003
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some MTV show. Also see gay
if i have to see another episode of road rules, i will tear your spinal cord out of your back and strangle you with it.
by Lando July 12, 2003
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