1 definition by Lady Shane

something that today's society has forgotten all about. we're so worried about pissing off the feminists of the world that we are completely bashing and being complete tools to guys. I'm a woman, and I'm all for a guy being in touch with his sensitive side, but waxing your eyebrows and chest before going to your pedicure appointment is not what you're supposed to do unless you're gay. If that's the case, I'll join ya.

If not, grow a pair, stick up for your right to piss standing up, and get on with it! I'm not saying be a jackass to every thing with boobs, I'm saying be strong, self-assured, and don't lay down to some unjust things just because a woman flashing a Pro-Woman's Right sign says you have to! Don't know how to do that? Go watch a movie with Russel Crow in it.
Woman: Stop being a lazy ass and do the dishes!
Boy: Yes, dear.

Woman: How dare you take my spot in line! I just went to put something back!
To Be A Man: Ma'am, you took your cart with you and the line moved. I'm not giving up my place because you think everyone will bow down to you becaues you have ovaris.
by Lady Shane March 11, 2010
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